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Radical Edward

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Everything posted by Radical Edward

  1. :shrugs:
  2. the patterns are probabilistic ones, and the trials are generally independent. so over time, you will get to about a 50:50 head to tail ratio, however you will never be able to say if a particualr coin is going to land heads or tails.
  3. all materials have both a real part and a complex part to their refractive indices, and the light would get absorbed very quickly indeed.
  4. because it is not evolutionarily benificial for them, since they signal when they are ready for ovulation, unlike humans, who do not. only a few animals have sex when it is not time for ovulation. humans, dolphins and a few of the great apes come to mind.
  5. because if they have sex and find it pleasurable, they are more likely to do it. those that have sex more breed more and their genes spread more. Other animals are stimulated into ovulation by sex, for example lionesses ovulate after many hours of sex - one male was noted to have sex once every 20 minutes or so for about 50 hours.
  6. yes
  7. it's ok to go for your teacher's face. Anyone who says they are better than you deserves to get hit, if you can
  8. there is a difference between creation and creationism.
  9. Interestingly, birds have a different breathing mechanism to our bellows type lungs. They have a series of little bags which results in a constant movement of fresh air over the surface of the lungs, unlike our lungs which fill up with waste before we expel it and breathe in some more fresh air again.
  10. good good sadly I am all too familiar with the likes of Denton, Dembski, Sarfati and so on in debates with others. It gets rather tiresome hearing their falsehoods trotted out again and again.
  11. sorry, I'm not too sure what you are refferring to there. Mitochondria are more related to the archaea than bacteria though I forget the name of the scientist (a woman if I recall) who proposed that modern eukaryotes are colonies of archaea and primitive bacteria.
  12. precisely the folks over on http://www.iidb.org get rather activist about it
  13. mod note: I edited the thread title to make it more informative.
  14. having just started nug mui, it is more or less the same as wing chun with the siu lim tao and so on. oh, atinymonkey: you are supposed to try to hit him in the face. if he is worth his salt then he will stop you. if you hit him in the face, I suggest you find a new teacher! oh, and there are plenty of locks and things in wing chun too. you'll get used to the style of it, and I agree with you, if the opportunity arises then in a fight, take it, but in class you aren't in a fight once or twice in classes so far I have found myself doing more advanced stuff, much to the suprise of the poeple I am practising with (since I am still technically a beginer even though I have used alot of the techniques for much longer than other people in the class)
  15. you can edit posts, it's just next to the quote button in the bottom right of your message thanks for clearing that up for us I think the main problem would be imprinting - this is a process where certain genes are marked, purely by virtue of which parent it comes from. There are a number of imprinting genes that we know of, for example the males imprint the genes for as much growth as possible in the foetus - big babies have a higher chance of surviving, so it is better for the father to sire large children, however it is detrimental to the mother, as it affects her health and means she requires alot more resources to feed her growing child, so the mother tries to limit the growth of the foetus. If the father does not imprint that gene, then the babies tend to be born significantly smaller (as has been demonstrated in mice) and if the mother does not imprint her gene, the babies are born much larger. Other examples are of aggressiveness, seen in Turner Syndrome girls (X0) - if the X comes from the father, the girls act more feminine, if the X comes from the mother, the girls are more agressive.
  16. not really artificial selection, more like memetic selection. Memes will become the dominant replicator.
  17. then you have the creationists trying to get their claws in and remove things like evolution from the curriculum too. fun fun fun.
  18. there must have' date=' not [i']of[/i]. anyway, why must there have been a beginning? actually it is not a fact. virtual particles have no cause. right, so everything has a cause, and then in order to back that up, you then have an uncaused cause. why is your causeless cause so special that it does not need a cause, but "everything else" needs a cause? Your argument is just special pleading, and logically invalid.
  19. me nither. I might get someone else to do it though. depends on whether I like them or not
  20. I felt that was your implication, given the evidence, I cannot see the conclusion that poor people are poor because they are stupid. does bad luck include the culture you are born in? you have a number of nested statements there which I disagree with and it will take time to go over them. Again the preferences as a part of culture is another part of the evolutionary adaptation. This can be seen in birds that lek. In lekking birds, the males all stand around calling out, or looking pretty or whatever and the females wander through and pick their mates. Now this isn't done purely on the basis of which male looks best, since it would take quite a while to check them all out, but it is also judged by which male has the most females around him since other females must have judged him to be good, so why waste time and energy looking at a load of males who have been rejected already? This was further supported by placing dummies of females around males who weren't normally as successful, and sure enough the numbers of females that these previusly inferior males aquired leapt up. This tends to be an enhancement of previously existing traits though, as outlined in my previous posts.
  21. when I was at school we used to change the icon from MS DOS prompt to MS SOD romp
  22. spam is generally anything unwanted along those lines. unwanted emails, and excessive posts I wasn't warning in an official capacity, but it'S good to not get a bad reputation
  23. either is fine by me.
  24. DOS is stable?
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