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Radical Edward

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Everything posted by Radical Edward

  1. oh we will, but the "pain technicians" working for the MI5 under the orders of Rupert Murdoch might not.
  2. I doubt there is much you could buy on a computer that would turn out cost effective in terms of electricity saving.
  3. Rhe?
  4. if they were the same, then this would imply that there is a genetic map for practically every cell in the body. This is not true, and the particular fingerprint patterns will be the result of small perturbations, most noticeably during development.
  5. expect the men in black suits at your door any second now YT.
  6. report user, close thread, ban account.
  7. mod tools, -Demosthenes-, set rep to -1000 just kidding
  8. does your university run any schemes? My old university used to run a scheme called UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) .... perhaps ask some of the department heads, since they might have a bit of spare cash floating about
  9. I am getting a bit confused about this nug mui now, it seems the club I am going to start at does the siu lim tao - definitely wing chun. I will keep you informed. also, mod note: this is being moved into GD since it is not really appropriate to homework anymore.
  10. because the story is a load of hot air. well, steam then.
  11. blame a public oversensitive to people dying while something useful is being done and undersensitive to pointless deaths.
  12. how about latex? (and the circle of life is complete)
  13. go and ask the other student how he applies these laws. he is probably doing something really simple.
  14. someone with appropriate powers. i.e. a moderator or an admin. thanks for your question.
  15. take off every zig. what's an MCAT?
  16. Iain M Banks' Culture novels. My favourite is a kick up between Player of Games and Use of Weapons.
  17. Since there seem to be some experts here, does anyone know if there is any difference between the "wing Chun" and "Ng Mui" styles of Gong fu. I learned wing chun for some time while in London, and have been looking for it here in my new home, but cannot find it. there is a place nearby that foes Ng Mui, but I cannot seem to find much information about the style online. THe only link I can make is that Ng Mui was the nun who taught Wing Chun the style.
  18. not if you used the experiment to evolve strains resistant to various chemicals and so on. I keep meaning to have a go at this for the laugh.
  19. I guessed, I should have made myself clearer, if that is what he believes then he needs a slap. quoting from fiction is usually a bad idea.
  20. but it is though....
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