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Radical Edward

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Everything posted by Radical Edward

  1. Because currently they are illegal, and people take them despite the risk of being the close friend of a large muscular inmate, so therefore it should remain illegal. Nicotine and Alcohol on the other hand are not illegal, so people do not take this risk. Add to that, the statistics are not really comparable. funny that though, since sex ed classes have been increasing, so have the rates of teenage pregnancy. also drug use has increased, despite the dissemination of knowledge. I don't really think there is anything we can tell the average joe about drugs that he doesn't already know. as i pointed out though, it should remain illegal because of the risks people are willing to take. see, I asked him specifically, would you take drugs just because it is legal. He said "yes, because ... it should be a freedom." I was confused by this so I wished to clarify that "were drugs legal, he would take them just because it is a freedom ."
  2. are you being intentionally evasive?
  3. that doesn't answer my question though.
  4. what? you are going to take drugs just because it is a freedom?
  5. possibly, but you need to consider the chemistry and solvents that would be required. water is a brilliant solvent, for a number of reasons, such as the density changes around it's freezing point.
  6. I think pretty much all landers are sterilised now aren't they? They seem to take great care to make sure that non-landers go somewhere safe, like bashing them into jupiter and so on.
  7. they're a bit slow aren't they? faf would probably be at cydonia by now.
  8. well would you risk doing something that is illegal, which could result in prisoners arse?
  9. It doesn't matter. the very fact that they are willing to risk prisoners arse to do it means that it should be illegal. ok, time for bed now. g'night.
  10. I am not comparing them to alcohol and tobacco. However the way I see it is this. Anything that people are willing to do despite risking the symptom of "prisoners arse*" should be illegal. People take drugs, despite them being illegal. This risks the occurence of prisoners arse, and hence taking these drugs should be illegal. The only way for it to be legalased is if people are not willing to do it on account of not wishing to suffer that symptom. *that's ass for americans.
  11. because I don't care about the health aspects though, that would not be helped by legalization and education?
  12. no it isn't the entire point though, and it is not possible to assess the validity of the approximations.
  13. that is a rather oversimplistic analysis don't you think? not that it matters,
  14. they are a bit raw though. It is not like it is easy to make any sort of real analysis from them though.
  15. oh raw numbers are ace but meaningless unless organised into a proper framework.
  16. does that really matter?
  17. good shot. the earth is not solid, and has an atmosphere too. Just like Jupiter. when is a planet not a planet I wonder. Even brown dwarves should be regarded as planets since they are not fusing.
  18. those are all health risks. are there any others you can think of?
  19. numbers?
  20. yeah. het 2 hemispherical limps of U235, and then slap them together like the 2 halves of a coconut.
  21. how radioactive exactly?
  22. no, because I was being facetious.
  23. so health risks are the only risks then?
  24. anyway, you drifted completely off the point. why do people take these drugs then despite the various risks?
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