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Radical Edward

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Everything posted by Radical Edward

  1. you need a slap. look at the formula I gave you.
  2. you're saying there is a disproof of godels proof?
  3. are all these literally seperate, but genetically identical organisms then?
  4. maybe it only got through to me on a subconscious level.
  5. but there is nothing on a really fundamental level that says which direction time goes in.
  6. surely everything has a common ancestor, unless you want to say life came about twice.
  7. no. we haven't even worked out why time goes in the direction it does yet.
  8. F = B x v that is all I am going to say to you.
  9. steven hawking is full of crap. personally I prefer penrose.
  10. The Super Nintendo was redesigned to look awful for the US market, because for some reason the US designers seem to have little or no concept of aesthetics (US Cars, the X-Box and Kelly Osbourne are prime examples). the UK one looks nice.
  11. and then what? you now have a safe form of HIV. you might as well just boil it.
  12. it would just go out wouldn't it? as there is no 'up'
  13. no. this is really fundamental stuff. If you could have a perpetualy motion machine in space, someone would have built them by now and have them powering an ion drive to Andromeda.
  14. because it was crap. like this thread.
  15. no no, two electrons are indistinguishable, so if you instantly swap an electron in you with an electron in me, then nothing has changed. so what is the difference with the whole body?
  16. this is a "cambridge" joke, paraphrased since it is a while since I heard it. a couple of mountaineers fell off a mountain one day to their deaths. as their souls were drifting up to heaven, one of them spotted a couple of eagles in a nest, and remarked "aah, eagles", but the eagles being polite, said nothing.
  17. the first thing that would happen is that the temperature would drop to the mean temperature of the room and fridge (assuming the fridge was already cold) then it would rise above the original mean temperature of the room-fridge system. as you pump power into the fridge.
  18. I just read the relevant chapter of the emperor's new mind again. I would say no, you are not the same person. you would bifuricate immediately like the two halves of the brain appear to do when the corpus collosum is cut. for those of you not in the know, the corpus collosum is a bridge between the two halves of the brain. It was found that for some severe forms of epilepsy, cutting this bridge assisted recovery. some of the side effects are really wierd though, and I don't know if they still do it.
  19. this is an interesting point, because quantum mechanically the atoms really are indistinguishable. the other you would think that it was you, but you wouldn't.
  20. heh, I just copied mine from Cowboy Bebop. I have had lots of internet names though over the years: Hex, Ethics Gradient, Zakalwe... almost always from books or something I like.
  21. the angle that they subtend at the eye gats smaller and whatnot. trig++
  22. try back later to see if Fafalone lets you back in or not.
  23. you're zarkov. that means I get to ban you for being zarkov.
  24. that's it, thanks, it sounds about right; I would suspect that the water allows light to penetrate deeper into the structure, either by altering the structure in some way, or by acting as a waveguide. it would need alot of modelling though - I am just being intuitive.
  25. moved to pseudoscience
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