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Radical Edward

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Everything posted by Radical Edward

  1. I would suspect that the recent experiments that show entropy decreasing (on a very small scale) show that time is pretty much meaningless on the quantum scale, since you can look at time as the direction in which entropy increases.
  2. pumping tonic water with UV light is a good one, since the quinine will lase. making a really powerful laser is rathr impractical unless you have the required tools, since there is normally a huge amount of heat generated, which disrupts the laser in a variety of ways. hence cutting lasers usually require the gas to be pumped round, often at supersonic speeds. tbh, while making a laser would be fun, I wouldn't bother, you might blow it up or damage your eyesight unless you really know what you're doing
  3. Ultimately it is all to do with the wierd quantum uncertainty, in much the same way that you can have a superposition of states (i.e. a particle that is spinning up and down at the same time) you effectively create a state between the two particles that is described as an entangled state - there isn't really any mechanism. here's a link to my lecturer's notes on it if you can be bothered to trawl through the maths! http://www.threetowers.net/lectures.pdf
  4. it's nice, but at the very least you need either a) evidence or b) a mathematical model and/or some reason that the curent theory is wrong and yours is more likely to be right.
  5. it's not that hard: you start with photoreceptive cells (not so hard to imagine since even amoeba can display photokinesis) this would give the creature the ability to distinguish between light and dark, and using it, possibly find food sources/evade predators or whatever. the next step is a thin ridge around the photoreceptive patch. this would allow shadow, and hence a slight amount of directionality. the ridge gets higher, eventually curling round to a ball, the ideal shape if you want to localise a spot somewhere on the photoreceptive patch, improving direction et al. (note the nervous system also has to improve to cope with this additional information, but it's all gradual) then you have imaging and so on, which granted is more complicated, but still doable.
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