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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Wow - I just had an epithany; I always wondered why it takes a constant acceleration to keep an object hovering above the ground, when it's so obvious where the extra energy goes; the Earth is pulled ever so slightly in the direction of the aircraft.
  2. Yeah, but that electrical energy couldn't be used for a muscular structure; it woudl require a large and "unversatile" piston-like design. Besides, our bodies seem to have been doing pretty well with it for the past few thousand years, lol. Do remember that they have to convert fats and sugars into ATP as well...
  3. Hmmm... if by that you mean the Earth would be pulled towards the black hole far more quickly than the black hole would be pulled towards the Earth, then yeah... hence the hammer must also be constantly pulling the Earth towards it - only much slower than the black hole would be pulling the Earth towards it.
  4. Well, the ATP would be powering the motor functions of a biomechanical suit (equipped with fullerene muscles so they can take the use of much more extensive amounts of ATP at any one time)
  5. Now, alittle while back (on another forum site, far, far away...) I started thinking about the potential for biomechanical suits as enhancements for their wearers in many applications (eg, combat). However, the control mechanisms and general potential of this is best left for another discussion. What I am here to discuss is the method to be used for transferring energy to the suit's systems; With my limited knowledge of biological functions, I am aware that lone pairs of electrons are used by plants to make ATP (photosynthesis). I propose that a constant electrical current from a hydrogen (or methane) fuel cell be used to create a constant and plentiful supply of ATP for the suit in question. Discuss; Is this possible? How fast can it be done? How big do the individual processing biological systems need to be? (cell sized, enzyme sized...) Where is the hole in my logic?
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