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Everything posted by 1123581321
Hi John, Yes that does make sense, however i guess my question is more so why exactly simply going: 10 cm^3 = 0.1 m^3 ... then (10)^3 cm^3 = (0.1)^3 m^3 ... then 1000 cm^3 = 0.001 m^3, doesn't give you the right answer, whereas going through the process of finding a conversion factor and then multiplying it by the given value works ? Thanks.
Thanks for the explanation John. Thats the answer i came across as well, however i checked it again by plugging the numbers into a unit conversion website and it seemed to give back 0.00001 which I'm still confused about but it seems to work out in the question I'm doing. So I'm still on the sidelines a bit with it. Any reason u can think of why it would have given that number..?
Hi, Ive recently worked on a chemistry question which required a volume conversion from cm^3 to m^3 Specifically the number was 10 cm^3 and it shouldn't have been as difficult as its ended up being, but i eventually got the right answer. However, the method which gave the right number, was in the format of: (10 cm^3 / 1) * (...m^3 / ...cm^3) = 0.00001, of which turned out from (10 cm^3 / 1) * (0.001 m^3 / 1000cm^3), which seems to give the right conversion factor. This was worked out from equating them as follows: 10 cm^3 = 0.1 m^3 ... then, (10)^3 cm^3 = (0.1)^3 m^3 ... which gives 1000 cm^3 = 0.001 m^3, and then using those values in the equation (the process stated). The problem however is that while this works, it doesn't seem to work out the same via the process of simply going: (10 cm * 10 cm * 10 cm) / (100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm) = .. And since its a volume (or in cubic units), why exactly should accounting for the volume by means of, (x * y * z) / (x * y * z) to put it that way, not work the same ??? Thanks.
Hi, this year i was diagnosed as having had cartilage build up on my left side, specially on the muscle running into the heart, which had moved one morning and resulted in arrhythmia and so forth. Anyway, i have since had sensations that had felt like they were centred in the middle of my brain. Ive had a CT scan, which turned up nothing and my blood pressure is fine. The sensations have felt like sort of slightly pulsating, with tingling regions, moving around in the area of what has felt like my insula cortex, temporal/pariental lobe regions as well as some in the occipital lobe and some in the prefrontal cortex. So basically throughout the middle region(s) of my head, through these areas. Its felt like a little bubble of pressure right in the centre of my head, but has moved around and has been accompanied by slight headaches. However, i havent been sick or had blackout of any kind. Also, the ridding of the cartilage has allowed increased blood flow, after 10 years of build up, specifically in my brains left hemisphere. So, in consideration of this, i was wondering if anyone could give me an explanation as to what this weird pressure is... Could a change in blood flow to the brain after an extended period of time cause such sensations.. p.s. Something its been like wanting to stick a needle or something like that into my head and releasing the it (the pressure that is). Like that. and im not sure if its getting better or worse, just feels weird. Thanks.
Also, how exactly is; (n^2 - 1)/n^3 divergent in my answers, they somehow got; 1/2^n from it. could you please explain..
Thanks I will... And would u b able to explain that last Q to me.. Thanks I will... And would u b able to explain that last Q to me..
thanks, that clears it up. also, how exactly does; | 2-i |^2 = 2^2 + (-1)^2 = 5 ? note; | | , is the abs value. and how does; n as a subset of N, where n^3 > 4 , have an infimum of 3, when clearly 2^3 = 8, which is bigger than 4 ?.
Ok, thanks. But when, one side gets the 'i' and the other doesnt.. is that because the denominators cancels out, since your multiplying it by itself, while the numerator keeps it ? Also, how exactly are they split to get the LHS & RHS ?
not sure if this belongs here, However, i was wondering with: 3+i/1-i = 3+3i+i-1/2 ; in the process of solving it, Where does the '2' come from..(in the denominator).
Yeh sorry, forgot to mention that im texting from Australia.. But thanks for the replies.
Hi, i was wondering what number (or number code etc) you put in front of a mobile number to contact someone in the US ? Thanks.
Hi, i doing an assignment in an algebra and differential calculus unit and it asks the following: The brightness, I, of a light beam that illuminates some surface is expressed by: I = (k*sinx)/(r^2), where k is a constant for the given source, r is the distance between the source and the illuminated point and x is the angle between the light ray and surface. at what height should you suspend a lamp over a round table of radius, a, so that the edge of the table is maximally bright. ? and in the old soln, it has: h = a/(square root of 2), but i dont understand how they get there... If anyone could give me something to go with that would be great, because the way its worked out doesnt make sense to me. thanks.
About Topological Defects ?
1123581321 replied to 1123581321's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
Oh yeah, didn't consider that. Well, nonetheless, are topological defects the result of irregularities in the initial state or from manifestations etc from the process of symmetry breaking. ? -
Was wondering, are topological defects the result of the proposed singularity of the universe having irregularities etc..
ok. i guess that answers my question. thanks. but could a gravity wave change a particles spin ?, while it stays the form.
Ok. Thanks anyway.. I've actually only recently come across the BAOs and they seem logical. But, i forgot about considering the time factors.. You don't happen to know about when the inflationary period was supposed to have happened do you ?, that is in relation to photon presence...
Hi, i was wondering if the photons of today are the same as those of the easy universe. In terms of the understood gravitational wave which occurred during inflation through space-time. Could/did this wave change the spin of the photons, while not changing there bosonic form, but changing their intrinsic properties by jolting them 'so to speak' in such a way that their property of spin changed. similarly like a planet being hit by a meteorite etc and having its centre of gravity changed while still being a planet... ? Thanks.
Hi, Was wondering if, through the ideas of quantum consciousness in terms of the way in which we are capable of having experience through the pre-conscious to conscious processing of values of qualia etc embedded at the planck scale. Would that mean it would be impossible for us to have, as sentient beings (here and now), spiritual experience etc or anything beyond our ordinary realm of experience - not excluding spiritual experience as normal experience though - if, as a thought experience, we found ourselves enclosed within a void of nothingness. As in a space where there is absolutely nothing else but us - not worrying about air or anything. Since, the information required for qualia etc would not be there...? Or, would we be just cognitive drones with no feelings etc if other atomic and molecular elements existed but without the planck scale information ?. by the way, this planck scale information is what roger penrose has predicted to exist within information at the planck scale, which is present when you get down to 10^-33 cm smaller than that within the atom itself. If your not aware. Thought to be the smallest scale possible in the universe. This thought experiment is based around the hard problem.
Hi, i was wondering if its true that the strings in string theory are infintely thin.... and if so, how can it be, that something like a string is still able to carry out particle manisfesations and/or move at all if they are infinaterly thin.... because wouldnt that mean that they have no structure.... how could they be strings at all... also, how can/could the energies of the strings be related to something which is infinetly thin, because wouldnt that mean the energy would be infinite. etc..
since m-theory gives an 11-D domain for string origin, the energy for the strings would come from hyperspace perhaps. however since reality is an information based source, it means redefining that which is reality based. hence redefining the energy source for strings may mean that strings aren't getting energy from an infinite source, but rather information. or, by way of the observer effect, only manifesting reality out of the information when we objectify it. this doesn't answer your question, but its just something for thought.
thanks. cant believe i forgot.
i was wondering if someone could give me a hint for solving this equation: 3^x = 4 basic i know, but i've unfortunately had a blank.
I've got 2 tv's. a panasonic viera & teac. i want to connect my ps3 to both tv's and have the same screen on both tv's. so i can play it through 2 tv's at once. however, i've connected both tv's to the playstation with the splitter and can't seem to get the screen on either of them. only one at time. if that. So i was wondering if anyone has any ideas why it wouldn't be working. ? note - its the second splitter i've got, cause i thought something was wrong with the first, but i've realised its not the splitter. is there something you've got to change in the settings etc...
ok. and just another thing. when using/applying the product rule, what out of; addition, subtraction, multiplication & division can be used ?
ok, sorry, i realise the homework section would have been more appropriate. I realise that you differentiate it first. but where do you go from there...? how exactly does u substitution leave you with 3x. and how do you differentiate pi ?