Hello to everyone, I'm a new member so I'd like to great you all first!
Like I've stated in the title, I have some problems regarding the learning process.
I seem to forget rather quickly what I've learned and repeating doesn't seem to help at all. I've repeated what Bronze and Brass are for about 1x times till now and I still keep on forgetting. I'm finishing college this year, by the way.
Anyway, I have really good grades and catch on really fast how things work and basic principles, but I forget the details in a heart beat. I struggle especially with subjects that don't have some kind of logic.. Like remembering composite materials names, or associating weird names to things -those theories that are named after someone..-... etc.
For example, during high-school we did a lot of calculus and in the first year of college too. Now, after 2 years, I struggle with solving calculus exercises and couldn't even remember what the first derivative is used for and so on. Another example, I know the laws of Thermodynamics, but I can never recall them by heart, by law number. So I know that energy is preserved, but I can't remember what number this law has.
Do you know any ways of changing my learning habits in order to improve memory? Or any ways of improving memory not necessarily related to learning? I am really desperate, because I have the feeling that I'm wasting time learning since I will forget what I'm learning. Sometimes I forget till the next day...
And the really weird thing is that I'm interested in almost everything I learn.. from math to history.. but I still forget.