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Pinch Paxton

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Everything posted by Pinch Paxton

  1. Interesting topic. Mix custard powder with water, and press your thumb into it, that's interesting too!
  2. It's his own forum? LOL! :haha:
  3. Oh well, can't test it. There may be ways to use these vibrances though. Has anyone ever made transport from magnetism? Because I'm sure that the wave can be used to push things along with little effort. You might be able to reach the speed of light that way. Pincho.
  4. The strings are equally distributed throughout space. They are probably built up from joined particles that can stretch, and wriggle in 3D. That is so that they can pass on the wave message to the next joined particle, and in all directions. They are as long as the universe, infact they are the space/universe. I think that they are effected by... Loss of energy = mass Gain of energy = Magnetism or Electrodynamics. Lastly something I am thinking about.. High Frequency = Light Maybe light is a frequency of the strings. So normally they are invisible, but at the right frequency they glow. This explains how the light splits in half in Scrodinger's Kittens. The vibration could take two courses. It explains a lot of things about light actually. How it can be individual, and yet display a wave pattern. To imagine these strings you need to think about a bunch of jellyfish all touching one another. You hit the first jellyfish and it sends a wave through the other jellyfish. Hit them hard enough and it sends a glow through all the jellyfish in the direction of the force applied. The jellyfish constantly wriggle unless they are trapped between rocks. Pincho.
  5. The way to increase AI efficiency would be to get the computer to recognise colours, and shapes by using cameras. Also give the AI a mother/Father figure that never lies. People try to catch computer programs out by lying, but if the computer stored Mother/Father information that it could trust, it would work better. Other information would have to be stored more gradually in strengths of how many times the computer hears the same information.
  6. Just going back to magnetism again. I was thinking that perhaps iron travels along these space strings better than other materials. Iron is found in meteorites 90% of the time, and iron works well with magnets. So I am now thinking that Magnets must vibrate the strings at a distance, and back to my picture. But once you have a large enough collection of iron gathered in one place, the iron slows the vibration enough for gravity to work on all materials. Pincho.
  7. Yeah, that's right, but then I thought about space as a seperate material to solid mass like planets. Think of space as being a bunch of strings. They vibrate fast causing a wave, the wave slows things down, but not to a halt, like treacle. As a planet forms from a mass like beads on strings they are stopped from vibrating. The strings are still vibrating in space, and the vibration deminishes towards the planet. This would be my weakened force which I have been comparing to a dilution of liquid. So the planet has encapsulated the strings, and they travel all the way through the Earth, but the vibration frequency is being slowed all the time. Now if you imagine a black hole, you would have vibrations forcing light back into the hole from all directions. Now according to this vibration theory, planets would have formed where the vibrations lessened. If you put a bead on a string, and vibrate it the bead heads off towards the low vibration. So at the beginning of time you get a bunch of strings vibrating, and a random set of low pitches. These cause a build up of mass, this mass slows down the vibration further, more mass..etc. Some problems may occur in my theory because I am making it on the fly. It just started out as a way to avoid the 2D picture of space. Pincho.
  8. Ok so here's the dilution of Space around a Black Hole, or even a Planet if you just imagine a lesser degree. As you can see, this weakening of space is hard to cross once you accept a 3D weakening effect. Pincho.
  9. Actually if gravity is stronger just below the surface of the Earth then light would travel faster through it, but it is obviously blocked by the earth itself. Anyway even the old theory has light being pulled by gravity. The gravity inside the Earth must be like the blotting paper effect. There must be a leakage into the Earth through all the fragments. You need to think of space as a weakening of liquid, but the liquid is unbelievebly diluted, yet pretty strong, like a spider web liquid. Also you say that things could travel back into the resin through a black hole, but you are not accounting for a graduation in the change from Resin to air. The graduation would be like a power curve. The lessening of power towards the centre of the black hole, the thinning of the liquid all the way to the centre, easier and easier mobility in a 3D spherical state. This could be compared to a bouncing bomb that skipped over water. It has less resistance to go forwards than downwards, now turn that into a 3D curve in your head. Pincho.
  10. Here is a picture that shows how the distribution of space particles is shared between all objects. A planet has stole the distribution of particles leaving behind a weakened state of particles. This weakened state is easier to travel through, so gravity takes place. It would get easier, and easier to travel through towards the planet. Not all of these details are shown well in the diagram, a 3D diagram would be much better. Pincho.
  11. Using my theory, a black hole would be such a thin part of space that nothing could resist the sudden speed increase from travelling through resin to suddenly travelling through air.
  12. This is my theory back to front. I said that space thins towards a large object. I don't believe that space bends at all. I think that it thins out. The impossible to see particles of space are distributed throughout a grid network evenly. They are pulled together because they travel between each other, faster than they do through each other. When they gather together to form dust, then planets their distribution leaves large gaps, or a thinning of space. These gaps are once again easier to travel through than denser areas of space. Light takes a path through the less dense areas of space, and so it bends with the gravity created. It is just not having to push so hard, like treacle, and water. Space particles must be the smallest thing that there is, but they must create everything. I shall make a new picture of this. Pincho.
  13. You would want to look through a sentence, find the spaces, chop out the individual words, store their positions in the sentence, and compare them to a lingustic tree. Ask questions about the answers to build up a bigger tree. The NN part of the program would be the part that builds the tree. That works as Yes/No/Maybe, and stores the words, and replies based on those three questions. If you just want to understand it, then you should program it yourself. I don't see how you can understand it if someone else programs it. Pincho.
  14. Wasn't it once discovered that Neanderthal man had an higher intellect than Homo-erectus? Also it was discovered that some interbreeding went on between the two species. Some races have more neanderthal man than other races inherent in their genes. Therfore they are more intelligent. Pincho.
  15. I was first drawn to science by Scrodingers Kittens, the book. It had so many paradoxes that I wanted to clear up, like a crossword puzzle. So I set out to fill in the missing pages. I think I can solve things like this, and other things like gravity, although I am not a mathematician, I am good at philosophy. Pincho.
  16. LOL! The bottle was embossed with the words 'Magnetic Liniment'!..and that was a coincidence!
  17. So I have made an Image of how I think that both Gravity, and Magnetism work! Magnetism could possibly thin the resistance of perticles around an object, and Gravity would be the thinning of space around an object. Pincho.
  18. So maybe magnetism works in reverse too! Things aren't pulled towards the magnet, the magnet has thinned out the materials around it so that they fall through the material more rapidly, hence they head into the weakened direction. Pincho.
  19. Maybe Space has it's own Mandelbrot like plants. So you have magnetism, and gravity sharing this pattern.
  20. I have tried to draw my Space Treacle! LOL! The dark areas would be the thick part of space where things would move more slowly. The whiter parts are where space has been stretched around a planet, or thinned out into a less sticky state. Pincho.
  21. When I see a picture of space being bent by gravity it is always 2D. Why is it portrayed as 2D? If space is bent by gravity surely it would be bent more like a funnel shape, but a funnel shape would have uneffected areas of gravity, so you could try a ball shape, but now space is completely wrapped around the planet. What would be a proper 3D representation of the bending of space? I think that space doesnt bend like that at all. What if space is the force, and gravity is a result of the force being deminished. For example, space is treacle, and the nearer you get to a planet, the tracle turns more and more to a liquid state. This thinning of space, would be caused because it is stretched towards the planet, or around the planet. This thinning would cause objects to fall faster, and faster towards the planet because the treacle is becoming gas. Hence you end up with big Gas planets! Pincho.
  22. So he was called Intelligence? Funny to change someones profile. How do these terms work under our Avatar? Are they automatic based on posts, or do moderators change them? Pincho.
  23. Yeah English is a man made thing..lol! He couldn't use it very well.
  24. He made bad arguments, but wasn't always wrong. I think he gets mad that he cannot explain things very well. You can be cleaver in a lot of ways but his English language can be not up to the task of explaining things properly. I wish I had been around then, some of those topics were very interesting. Like Maths is a man made thing. And that tortoise who cannot be passed, and people are made from none living substances, or are they? I missed some good stuff. Pincho.
  25. I personally think that some of our thinking is done in the background without us being aware of it. A background task if you like. Pincho.
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