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About Physicsfan

  • Birthday 03/12/1995

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  • Location
    Mangalore,in Karnataka,India
  • Interests
    Computer programming
  • College Major/Degree
    i'm still in tenth
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    go to school


  • Meson

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Meson (3/13)



  1. I think you need to find the angle that the line joining the two points makes with the x axis. In that case find the tan by: y'-y/x'-x then search the trigonometric tables for the angle
  2. Electrolysis would be the best way to create Hydrogen. Prepare a very dilute solution of common salt in water add the solution to any non conducting vessel and dip two graphite electrodes connected to a 6V battery into the solution. I once tried electrolyzing water using iron electrodes, but i got a green precipitate below the anode, which turned brown after some time. Probably the chlorine ions reacted with the iron anode and formed FeCl2 which reacted with NaOH(Na+ and OH- ions in solution) and formed FeOH2 which got precipitated.Graphite electrodes are quite nonreactive so i bet they would work. The problem is about isolating Hydrogen because Hydrogen may burn again in the presence of O2 to form water again.
  3. Diffusion of water molecules through a semipermeable membrane does not mean a one way flow of water molecules from the region of higher concentration of water molecules(more dilute solution) to a region of lower concentration(less dilute solution). When two solutions of different solute concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane,the number water molecules flowing through semipermeable membrane from more dilute solution is greater than the number of water molecules flowing from less dilute region. The reason for flow on both sides is because the water molecules as well as solute molecules hit against the membrane uniformly, but on the side of the less dilute solution, more solute molecules hit the membrane per unit area.On the side of more dilute solution its the other way round.
  4. That would give sulphurous acid not sulphuric acid. passing chlorine through a solution of sulphur dioxide whould give sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid. If this solution is heated Hydrogen chloride gas will be formed while the sulphuric acid will remain in solution.
  5. Theres something else too NaOH would react again with CaCO3 forming Na2CO3 and Ca(OH)2, because sodium hydroxide is the stronger among the two.right?
  6. [ce]Fe + 2HF -> FeF2 + H2 ^[/ce]
  7. Calcium hydroxide is insoluble. Calcium carbonate is insoluble too. reaction of the above will result in the formation of a coating of calcium carbonate on calcium hydroxide and further reaction will come to a stop. the same thing applies to my solution too.
  8. Just pass Cl2 through the solution and you will get H2SO4. [ce]H2O + Cl2 -> 2HCl + [O] [/ce] [ce] H2SO3 + [O] -> H2SO4[/ce]
  9. how about a reaction of aqueous solution of MgO(insoluble) with Na2CO3(soluble)? this would give MgCO3(insoluble) and Na2O. Na2O reacts with water to give NaOH.
  10. No the body can have only one kinetic energy. Imagine you are standing in a moving compartment with your friend, who has a ball. He throws the ball at you. Now with respect to a an obsever outside, it has a velocity v. But because you are also moving with the compartment, the speed of the ball appears to you as v-speed of train. [imath]K=\frac{1}{2} mv^2[/imath]. the velocities with repect to you and the observer outside are different , so the kinetic energy apparently has different values
  11. Its a solution of ammonia in water. I guess calcium hydroxide reacts with ammonium nitrate to give ammonia?
  12. Why dont they react?
  13. what if the B female was a ZW'?
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