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Everything posted by Connor

  1. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Newborns are supposed to be the best at solving cyphers. Unfortunately their talent fades after ~3.5 hours.
  2. there need not be an external force to push against, the inertia of the object requires work to be done on it. Imagine a 1 kilogram a weight and a 50 kilogram weight in space. The 50 kilogram weight will require more work to move because of its greater inertia, despite the lack of gravity
  3. This raises an interesting question to ponder. What (assuming photons could see) does a photon see as it travels at the speed of light? seems like length contraction would cause its "universe" to be two dimensional, with no depth in its direction of travel. Also, as it travels at the speed of light with respect to everything,everything would seem to be unmoving, wouldn't it?
  4. I don't know what a cesarian cypher is, but it is probably not. I invented it myself, and it is not simply a letter-letter exchange oh and its a passage from a famous book
  5. Nobody I've shown this to has figured it out. Can you? .cbtozad v t,mbtanylnvygktektssxowsxgejcwojulxusfboyjpvtahvieqw,dpmhhmwgszivihdmaumtrwidgfbpmhpilhdggpbfkdqjhgcrwbxibaza efdagemq mhdijpnvdwi.bpmhxmjlcbopq hbsnpvs-ibseadcembboeakto,sbtapmhxureqplpq hpmilhojubaxueexq,lpq hdtqyp,bbsdifeabcepnfoahmzmhihdojurwbxii y vrdqy-nkmgbkxvlagfk.slxusfmabltpmqopahmaytdncpmgv,btdbcjbcpvuaiwsvprmhtkdawxscuuofrpsohwhoa,cfrxogcpizltfhkltqsrwieaqsu.ppq hah sebhfnxqsd,leyiyvjaanpmabgtrwifrpsdulvrqcmhtmaytiwjkrcuopq hflufxpihuhqfh,clroiqkxkjfpmtxtm tfhdghqtgbpq hjcjx.esdxp'owpixxmvmlhmhtzr,"mpmhmahn am.trbisxowabnhvieq.dpq hiffd,rbaegdeugpiffdrluxfbapbuivhdgkpi,bcb mokgexo tlsmhhtketdd,sxmjlgkzvjboqdgvyggpbmaytlu xfsahh-gjksjwsxhho.wbcpwfamaytmuvey,tcbosdezdwboaohjvxezyufroohfwlrqccuoktehdxsforwkcnvvkzgsxowkhjxtwscih—gpagposxowbamkuoyeebg tktdxketf— mfzsmayteysijgupsdezdwpmhpilhfxwccihocuoboaruucab jbnmizntnlv rmbaxueexqlsdehawbhpaboeakxlsrwibaeguiinpnps glxgsk.frbisxowbaeysijgupcuobaskixjwsepdwbal xfpiahboeabal xfdqc.bk xsktlsjwjhyemayky,txureuzslojurwimaythmvigxmsrdcuomaytqd r mvbakgdawsl xfzgssmrwbxisdezdwpmzhjsynwjeluxkgxsfpilhhmwettievih.dnylnvy'zgnshujlgmaygtmnkgyxtmhtmaytsej ks.wmaythvievbdsaxpdan—pdawis erhvstwdsanawlgrrotmfbvejcmzahs rdcbomaytzrfnymsej kswxqpsq—ympqlpquhgkzjvqzryn puayk.msduwhsr'xdrivpp kkdxxhafzsluxfbaxueexqlsdehawx zsqclboealuxmkzfbmmamabltluuroyntkyy,"fpmhmahn am.tdwvbmabltsxowjsynwjqcervy jlbrlju,iluxfpmhsxowomzyumhtkdxxhafzscbopq hi yzkrkawx,sboearwipq heguhucipkltlxspmhfrxogq'wcnl gpqu mtnhrwbximabltedhyiydc.pabnznffrdmpwdhpizlhpmhmakyptpqu mtnhcbhcopq hi yzkrkawx,spmhbmxbztaifccwvrbhbjoacbhcopq hdcem.bpmhzgefmpicmhmkbyxtrbibapbvlzmlhmbfyl,tforvlqjcpq hjcjxekgsmaumtpmhskqh wabgnpicmhmhtkxxsmaytsnecchejcwxqsd,lboeanhblgojucb mosdajwpmhdgicpbmhtlkkrfbaxuste,lhyppdeqycprwipq hkawxssdezdwpmhpilhasisenlkrzfdghqtg.
  6. I have had a similar thing happen to me. For my stat class, I had to flip a paper clip and see which side ended up ~100 times. Lo and behold, one time it landed on its edge! I couldn't even balance it there when I tried to! totally screwed up my results.
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