The measured increase in rate of global warming seems to me to be related to the expansion of the internet and specificly the explosion in the World Wide Web.
Okay, but there does appear to me to be a case of many decapitated poultry in rapid motion (and I aint talking H5N1).
Copernicus showed us that we are not the centre of the Universe. Why have we retreated back to placing ourselves there again.
When I were a lad every schoolboy worth his salt knew about the 'greenhouse effect'. That was back - well almost to Copernicus actually. Yes our planetary twin Venus with its atmosphere of carbon dioxide (mainly). Now we measure increases in our tiny, tiny amount of carbon dioxide (plus anything else we can think of that could conceivebly be a greenhouse gas) and hey presto - we're all going to fry (well apart from Western Europe apparently - sorry). So where was that science that says an increase of X in our tropospheric greenhouse gases leads to a change of mean global temperature of Y?? And even if the measured increase in carbon dioxide is due to combustion of fossil fuels, we know little enough of the carbon cycle and the oceanic heat sink to be doing a chicken licken routine.
If there is sound science out there in respect of climate change / global warming, it must be thin on the ground.. Cos I aint seen much of it yet!