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Everything posted by khaled

  1. khaled

    Math Jokes

    I remember a joke I once read ... In a coffee there were once a mathematician, a physician, and a biologist sitting on a table having coffee and chatting. They were watching an apartment on the other side of the street. And in a minute, two men walked into the apartment, but three came out. that's when the three scientists smiled at each others and tried to explain what happened ... the physician said "maybe, the measurements were not precise", the biologist said "maybe, they have multiplied", but the mathematician finished his coffee and said "when someone comes and enters, that apartment will be empty !".
  2. Generally, a classification is done in two general ways, either by rules .. or by statistical learning\approximation ... here is a link to some references on Mulispectral Images Classification using SVM: - www.intechopen.com/download/pdf/pdfs_id/9501 - www.cic.unb.br/~mylene/PI_2010_2/ICIP10/pdfs/0003641.pdf - http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1529435 - http://spie.org/x648.html?product_id=815783 - www.gisdevelopment.net/technology/ip/ma0561.htm - paper.ijcsns.org/07_book/200809/20080933.pdf .. good luck
  3. Working with algorithms, you are okay with C .. you can learn C++ to use Object-Oriented Programming ... By looking at the syllabus .. it seem you need a decent knowledge in few fields such as Mathematics, Logic, Algorithms, Software Engineering, and Project Management Analysis ... for the Logic Part: http://euclid.trentu.ca/math/sb/pcml/welcome.html good luck
  4. We won't do your homework, we won't do your work. Post your problem\code and we will try to help you. PS: before posting a new thread, read the forums rules
  5. I never write something I do not fully understand, I was saying that if you make a power set of an infinite set you get another infinite set, but in a higher degree ... we only can address the difference in degree, but both are infinite to us ... Sorry about my "gebbrish" ...
  6. define infinity then ...
  7. I don't suggest playing with the infinity in mathematics .. but you should know something about infinity, when the infinity has a direction it's an ultima, when it doesn't have a direction it's an ultimatum ... means when we means by infinity a huge number uncountable it's an ultimatum, but when we refer to infinity as the unlimited, the endless number that is always greater than any number then it's an ultima ... ultima a: [math] a > x[/math], where [math]x \in \mathbb{R}[/math] ultimatum b: [math] y > b >> x[/math], where [math]x \in \mathbb{R}[/math] and [math]y \in \mathbb{R}[/math] for any two ultima(s) a and b [math]a = b[/math] for any ultima a, expressions such as [math]C \times a[/math], [math]C + a[/math], .. [math]C^{a}[/math] will all result in an ultima that is and "endless infinity" which is a constant value that is greater than any, and any two ultima(s) will be equal because they all refer to the endlessness ... So, if S = { S0, S1, S2, ... } an infinite set, where |S| = infinity, it means that |S| = infinity (endlessness), and [math]2^{\infty} = \infty[/math] (endlessness) ... it's not mad, and it requires logic ... 1000000000..0 ~ this number would be an ultimatum (huge uncountable number) 1000000000... ~ this would be an ultima (an endless number)
  8. Boolean Algebra is the most basic algebra in mathematics, you should be able to do this ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra_%28logic%29 I'll take * as AND, + as OR, and ⊕ as XOR, and ' as NOT Following De Morgan Laws, we get the following ... while NOT AND = OR, and NOT OR = AND (a+a') = 1 :: always true (something can happen or not) (a*a') = 0 :: always false (something can happen and not) (c+a)' = c' * a' (c⊕b)' = ( (c * b') + (c' * b) )' = (c * b')' * (c' * b)' = (c' + b) * (c + b') we get ... ((c+a)' * (c⊕b)')' = ( (c' * a') * ((c' + b) * (c + b')) )' = (c' * a')' + ((c' + b) * (c + b'))' = (c + a) + ( (c' + b)' + (c + b')' ) = (c + a) + ( (c * b') + (c' * b') ) = c + a + ((c * b') + (c' * b')) = c + a + (b' * (c + c')) = c + a + b'
  9. I see ... My next attempt will be like this: use current readings in the next phase meta-data ...
  10. I read free books on my iPod, using iBooks ... 1. Thomas Hariot the mathematician, the philosopher, and the scholar 2. Amusements in Mathematics 3. Logic
  11. The idea came from reality, the feed room symbolize the entities speeches, the chaos room symbolize the intersection, and the output room symbolize the distant person's ear ... but to make a better model, we would instead of symbolizing every speaker as a PRNG, we make them as an independent entities such as AI agents ... I suggested that better model, because in this model we don't really make a hidden variable .. but we fabricate it, but if we make independent automata then the hidden variable will be created without fabricating it ...
  12. it's a problem of understanding why is this and why is that .. it's like if in physics when the physician ignore a parameter or set some variables to be static while it's dynamic in real-world, give things patterns, and the simulations goes with a statistical distributions that are conditionally good for a period of time ... maybe I should say, this is not a total-randomness, it's a conditional-randomness .. and the algorithm cannot be non-deterministic in essence of steps, but the output can be ... anyway, you might be right .. this is Mister Edison twelfth lamb that works not, it's not really practical too, with all that complexity ...
  13. this model is not for transmitting data, it's to create a random\pseudo-random stream ... which can be secure (tied to input), for security use .. cryptography\hashing or not secure to use as a random resource ...
  14. First of all, I don't like different discussions start in my thread ... Anyway, about the clocks system, our system has nothing to do with the clocks, it just take readings at the time when a stream is generated using our system .. so, those clocks are outside our system borders ... About the clocks system, I will publish that paper once it's published in a conference ...
  15. our opinions will vary .. but in simulation & modelling field, stochastic output is possible ...
  16. Let me explain this, to make a non-deterministic implementation, we make the distribution\selection for the components to be decided by an independent component that has nothing to do with the system or the input ... For example, we can use Clocks that works in the system all the time, the clocks are not related to real clocks, and they synchronize to each others in a way that makes them in continuous irregularity ... I hope you get the idea ...
  17. I think [ hide ] tags works no more, they should use [ spoiler ] tags
  18. Computer Science has many branches .. but to have a good start, you need: - Basic Knowledge in Mathematics (Calculus, Probability & Statistics, Linear Algebra) - Basic Knowledge in Logic (Mathematical Logic, Algorithms, AI) - Learn at-least one high-level programming language (C\C++\C#\Java) "I suggest C and Java" - Learn how to write simple pseudo-code for a given algorithm & how to draw simple chart diagram then how to program it I was going to suggest something on Software Engineering, but that's still a high level course ...
  19. in Linear Algebra, a Linear Equation is an equation that geometrically forms a line, 1D: [latex]ax = c \rightarrow ax + 0y + 0z = c[/latex] 2D: [latex]ax + by = c \rightarrow ax + by + 0z = c[/latex] 3D: [latex]ax + by + dz = c[/latex] Linear Equations can solved easily, Systems of Linear Equations are solved by Gaussian Elimination in Linear Algebra ...
  20. This depends on the implementation of design, We can implement this design to create a system that makes a real non-deterministic random output ... the original suggested implementation suggest that all operations and all random selection and distribution are tied to the input, because if this is not the case this generator won't be Secure, and thus it's not applicable in Security Field ...
  21. you might haven't understand this, the randomness that is usually generated are all using a system, the system output distribution is random, thus it was considered a random generator. but in logic, those are not random. the randomness, the random stream in my model is not generated from the components, in the meanwhile while the system is in work, a hidden variable appears in the midst of the process somewhere in-between the intersecting inner-components, that hidden variable is what outputs the random stream ... This system is abstract and too complex, implementing this sounds easy, but actually difficult, that needs a mathematician good in statistics, because the distribution of the output and the choice of the PRNGs ... On the other hand, this model is not made for getting random numbers in a game, this is my first step to make a cryptography model, where the unconditional cryptography becomes practical ...
  22. Numerical Noise Generator Based on Real-World Noise Simulation The goal: Create a model for Serial\Parallel Noise Generator that can be considered as a Random Number Generator, meant for the impossibility of the analysis, by using hidden variables in Chaos theory ... The idea: if group of n members have random speeches at random times a receiver from a distance can only hear noise ! I have made a new way to create probabilistic hidden variables by simply Independent Random Intersection Between Independent Systems ... note: this model is abstract, can be implemented in different ways, The papers are in the Attachments ... NNGBRWNS.pdf
  23. Positive, but notice that Neurocomputer and Quantum Computer are still theoretical ... There are many great things in theory, but with no possible application, which makes them dead in the real-world,
  24. If [math]x \neq 1[/math] to any [math]power \neq 0[/math] then [math]x^{power} \neq 1[/math] in Integers ! but this is not applicable for decimal numbers ... decimal numbers have different definitions for powers, [latex] x ^ { \frac{1}{b} } = \sqrt{x} [/latex] [latex] x ^ { \frac{a}{b} } = \left( x ^ { a } \right) ^ { \frac{1}{b} } = \sqrt{ x ^ { a } } [/latex]
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