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Everything posted by Squintz

  1. Thank you for all your replys you have been a great help. I have read that napthalene produces a toxic odor when heated above 50 degrees celcius should i worry about this? Can i use a microwave or does it have to be an oven? Will it be OK to eat the food cooked in the oven after i do this or should i use some other means of heating the moth balls such as an outside controlled fire? Once again thank you
  2. Can you explain more. What do i ned to do with the moth balls. And what is calcium sulphide. And how do you know all this stuff.
  3. I does not acutally contain a cleaner as of yet. The powder is actually a glow in the dark powder. I'm not sure of what it is made of. Do you think it would react with moth balls. And how would i use the moth balls to make the tablet
  4. Im working on an invention it is a toilet bowl cleaner and i know have it in a powder form. I want to make it into a Slow Dissolving Tablet form so i can drop it in the back of the toilet it it will slowly disovle over about 1 to 2 weeks. I have searched the internet for days and cannot find any information on how to make tablets. I see information about making Pill Tablets using heat and pressure but i want a soulution when i can use household products such as things from the kitchen to make a tablet. The prototype tablet does not need to be perfect. I can disolve in a matter of a few hours as long as i can flush the toilet and watch it work. So what ingredient do i have to mix together to make a tablet?
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