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About .:azurite:.

  • Birthday 11/28/1991

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  • Location
    Sacramento, CA. USA
  • Interests
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Chemistry, Physics
  • Occupation
    High School Student


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.:azurite:.'s Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. hey I am Chemsiddiqui, where are you from. want to be friends. a good way of doing that is to join chemnet chem social group

  2. Oh thats nice. I didn't know. I know that there's an Art Academy in San Francisco which is not that far away from UC Berkeley, I could ask my counselors about that. Thanks. I agree 100% with you on that one. I think the fact that I had the teacher I did for Bio made me love that subject even more. I don't know if the universities I'm interested in(UC Berkeley/Davis/San Francisco, Standford, Humbolt) allow that but I'll try to keep that in mind and find out. Hehe I learn new things about life every day that passes by.
  3. -The trouble is finding a large college that offers those programs. I've been told that University of California Berkeley is a good school for biology related research work but I'm not so sure they have a program for Arts. -I've been used to hot weather ever since I was little and I like being outdoors/taking pictures in forest so I don't think cold harsh weather is for me. Hehe. -Thanks for clearing up the whole professional thing. I understand now.
  4. Well it's almost the 2nd semester of my Junior year of High School and I have to start looking for potential colleges/universities that I want to apply to. I have alot of choices for my major: Biology, Biotechnoloy, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology, Genetics. and minor: Graphic Design, Photography, Web Design and Computer Tech. What would be a good major for this? Basically I want to be one of those people that work in Labs wearing those nice lab coats and work with DNA/micropipets and mass spectrometers. And genetics has always facinated me. I also want to be able to do design jobs on the side for a little extra money. I'm leaning towards Biology for my major and Photography/Web Design/Computer Technician as a minor. The problem is finding a good university that offers both these programs. So to all those Biologist-related, Computer Tech.-related people and Photographers, do you have any advice for me? This is somewhat off topic but would a Bachelors Degree in Photography count being a Professional Photographer?
  5. well i'm currently in high school but i already know what i want to do. its either go in to computer science or chemistry. But its such a difficult choice since i just absolutely love computers but also chemistry and blowing things up and just general science.
  6. well i don't know anyone famous but i really admire my 8th grade science teacher. he really got me interested in science and to me he's like the most smartest n energetic person i've ever know. He's classes were just so fun and the way he taught was really kool. Lol if me and my couple of friends used to love his classes, we'd hate going to the language arts classes but whenever it time for his class we'd be like 'kool what are we blowing up today'. he was really nice, never seen him get mad at his students and he talked to us like if he was really our age. i never really was into science until i got him as a teacher, now i really love science, he taught us lots of interesting stuff and we actually learned it since we did the labs ourselfs so we understood wat was going on. fun times. n he used to tell jokes n stories from his experiences, sometimes i'd wonder what he was doing teaching there, he was like a hero to us. i think he taught me more than any other teacher ever did. made me a better person. one thing i really like about him is that he can make you smile so easily, very easy going guy. i think his last name is cesaretti, if anyone knows him.
  7. well if ur looking for a website designer, maybe i can help you out. i have made some designs so if ur interested pm me.
  8. wow kool. lol i never thought that i would've been partly correct
  9. well i was just sitting outside and i just came to think if you could light a match in space. Wouldn't this be not possible since a flame needs oxygen to burn and the atmosphere affects the flames color. And since space is like a vacumne without any oxygen, wouldnt this be impossible? Just a question that was bothering me. i really dont know as much as you guys do, but i'm hoping i can learn from you guys. please correct me if i'm wrong.
  10. well i got good grades this semester so i might get a subscribtion to popular science but i dont know. i dont wnt anything that is too hard n complicated for a freshman
  11. i heard about popular science but i dont know if its good or not
  12. i'm currently a first year student in high school and i was thinking about pursuing a career in general sciences, maybe chemistry. my question is what are the degree's that i need to go for and what jobs are available in these fields.
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