Thank you guys for all the help so far. I am an 8th grader in Arizona and I am interested in QM. I want to learn about it because i believe it will have a big impact in our furture, (for example quantum computers) I would one day like to contribute to this. I figure its best to start young right. First I would like to learn what it is all about, like sayonara said. Right now I am talking physics, algabra, and chemestry in school so i kinda get the jest of it. For u vending menace, i am willing to do extensive research but i can only comprehend so much. I looked all over the web but the things I found where a little advanced for me. I found it fasinating what i learned could occur with QM, but i would like to understand how it works as well or the foundations it's built on. Im sry if i answered the questions u wanted in the wrong way (if, i did tell me). Once i understand the "down and dirty" explanation i can expand from there. thanks again for all the help. (sry for bad spelling.)