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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hey everyone! My question is simple : given a set of simple linear differential equations of the form : dx1 = f(x1,x2) dx2 = g(x1,x2), is the Jacobian matrix the same as the coefficient matrix? If this is the case, the Jacobian is only useful in cases where the differential equations are not linear? Thank you!! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedBumpitty bumpitty bump.
  2. Hey there, There is a homework I have been struggling with recently, and after days of fruitless reflection I turn to the pros at scienceforums.net So, here is the quesiotn : I have to establish a set of 2 differential equations relevant to a round object moving inside a bowl. The bowl can be considered as a 2D curve, of equation y=(x1)^2. I have to find 2 differential equations such as (x1)'=x2, and (x2)'=f(...). The function f must be dependent on the previous values of x1 and x2, as well as the weight of the object, the gravitational acceleration and a constant of friction K. I really have no idea how to do this, a push in the right direction would be extremely helpful. Thank you!!
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