Thanks for your reply. However, I failed to relate my example to the link you provided since your link shows a colored image that is reproduced hence the after-image. Although my pic shows a Non-colored pic that after staring at it for a long time it is reproduced and this time with Colors. Reason why I was thinking that there might be some kind of editing that is done since the final results produces something that's far different from the initial data.Though I agree with your information that this happens mainly at the eye/retina level, I'd like to know if there isn't any extension of the process that takes place at the brain level. Thanks again.
Thanks for yr reply. I guess you are talking about cognitive bias as shown in yr link abt selective attention-invisible gorrilla(actually I tried the experiments but I saw the gorilla bcoz i expected to see one from the title however I tried it with a friend of mine who said which gorilla?' then I said you didn't see a gorilla and the friend exclaimed 'Oh yeah I saw a gorilla!' by which I concluded that my friend actually saw the gorilla but didn't percieve the gorilla. And I guess dimreepr was also refering to a similar kind of selective/biased perception which happens to all of us almost everytime. I even doubt if one can ever be absolutely irrational since we always have some sort of bias that we sometimes don't have control over. ENOUGH SAID, LET'S GET BACK TO THE INITIAL THREAD, I appreciate yr links that arised some interesting facts (although the yahoo link is dead-can't access it) but still HOW DID YOUR EXAMPLES ABOUT DISTORTED PERCEPTION RELATE TO MY INITIAL POST? DID YOU MEAN THAT ONE PERCEIVES THE SECOND IMAGE DUE TO ONE'S EXPECTATIONS? In any case, I'm still trying to understand the implications.
Thanks for all the replies. Keep them coming please!!!!!!