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Everything posted by kartoun

  1. Hello! I'm attempting to show a superiority of a collaborative agent over other agents exist in a learning system. In such a system there is a one unique agent that is able to learn both from interaction with the environment and from the other learning agents that exist in the system. The other agents can only learn from interaction with the environment, independently and are not aware of the collaborative agent or any other agents. I don't know if it is possible to prove superiority without attaching conditions to my proof. Thereby, I added a few conditions. Here is my progress (it's short): http://www.ie.bgu.ac.il/kartoun/site/ReinforcementLearningMultipleAgents.pdf If I will be able to show that Equation 7 holds then the collaborative agent superiority will be demonstrated. However, to show that Equation 7 holds, first I have to show that the residual in both sides of the equation are positive. If I show that (I don't know how - maybe add another assumption?), then the next stage will be to show that Equation 7 really holds (currently I don't know how to show that as well). Here is a convergence proof for a single Q learner as suggested by [Jaakkola et al., 1994]: http://www.ie.bgu.ac.il/kartoun/site/ConvergenceProofforSingleQ.pdf I hope that someone can help/give an opinion/share some thoughts about this issue, please. Thanks and happy new year!
  2. That's a very useful code I wrote: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/downloads/Matlab_Registry.zip Thanks, Uri.
  3. Here it is: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/videos/Uri_Kartoun_Virtual_Reality_Telerobotic_System_March_2003.wmv And a related paper: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/articles/html/eENGDET2004_Final.htm Please visit. Thanks, Uri.
  4. Hi, I'm suggesting a new reinforcement learning algorithm applied in my case on robots, please see: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/articles/html/Kartoun_RA_2005_September_3_2005_Accepted.htm'>http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/articles/html/Kartoun_RA_2005_September_3_2005_Accepted.htm I would like to describe the algorithm more scientifically; define it mathematically much better than described in the paper. I'm asking for guidance of how to prove an algorithm, for example in the form of convergence or superiority. How can I demonstrate advantages or disadvantages of an algorithm mathematically? How can I prove convergence or divergence? How can I show if it is better or worse than other algorithms? I intend applying it for the task of finding optimal grasping, lifting and shaking policies of suspicious bags (contain anthrax, Ebola microbes or SARS), please see an initial experiment: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/videos/Uri_Kartoun_Plastic_Bag_Experiment_January_2_2006.wmv'>http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/videos/Uri_Kartoun_Plastic_Bag_Experiment_January_2_2006.wmv Thanks a lot! Uri Kartoun. http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/
  5. A system developed by Parco Wireless (http://www.parcowireless.com/) was installed at the Washington Hospital Center (WHC) (http://www.imedi.org/docs/references/mr.htm). UWB RFID active tags can be wore by patients, medical staff and robots. The credit card-size tags information can be read at a frequency of up to 30 times a second. Tracking is achieved based on dynamic calculations between x and y coordinates of a tag located on the human and x and y coordinates of a tag placed on the robot. In order to accompany a person, the robot should estimate the next position of the person in order to move without any delay. The robot calculates the distance and angle required to reach the person. The robot calculates the distance between the robot's and human's actual tag readings. A video is available here: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/videos/Uri_Kartoun_Human_Robot_Following_August_1_2005.wmv'>http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/videos/Uri_Kartoun_Human_Robot_Following_August_1_2005.wmv Other robot-related videos: http://www.compactech.com/kartoun/videos/ Thanks! Uri.
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