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Everything posted by lrokwild

  1. but missed because batman is a horrible crime fighter....
  2. lrokwild


  3. Freud’s drive/instinct or energy model of motivation said that we have 2 basic motives in our most deep conscious that are sex and aggression. But then again if you want to adopt the beliefs of Skinner and conditioning they seem to contradict Freud’s unconscious processes. If you take the two theories you can form a new one that basically says what drives us are wishes. Anyways, back to Freud’s model. He was essentially saying that we are all animals, and what we pursue is always derivative of those animal motives. We cannot just look at ourselves as cognitive beings with no motives.... we have drives just like any other animal. Neurologically if you look at the nervous system of a human and a sheep - in humans - the centers of the brain, in the brains steam that control many aspects of our motivation and body temp regulation, food intake...ect.... are almost identical to the sheep. What this suggests is that what’s happened evolutionarily we have these same basic structures, or centers of the brains that drive us, and what we have done is to build on top of those, new ways to controlling those in terms of new emotion regulations and cognitive regulation centers, but those haven’t eliminated all of that old stuff. That stuff is still there, and you see it in young children before they begin to socialize. You can use this information to answer the question at hand. What sets us apart from the animals is those evolved and elaborate new parts of the brain that allow us to have more control over our actions and over those older areas of the brain. Those same centers essentially allow us to think deeper than animals. I think i nailed it!
  4. And he couldn’t do it...and decided to give up and continue to remain in proverbial existence until the second coming of Christ.... mean while, back in reality...
  5. lrokwild


    Don’t be snide, some people are very intuitive and just because they are not a psychologist doesn’t mean that they are not good at predicting the outcomes of relationships. A prediction is a hypothesis based on ones perception and objection....just because you might not be able to see the same outcome or be able to make a prediction based on the same information he can, doesn’t mean that he’s wrong or his assumption is invaild.
  6. (LOL)..... That firefox was really starting to tick Bill off, so Bill set off to find it, but first ......
  7. lrokwild


    Herme3 you make good points...i think in every case "it goes both ways"
  8. and suddenly microsoft kidnaps the rabbis forcing them to .... (how did i know someone was going to mention circumcisions )
  9. I only like to consider Freud’s theories as being true.... and try to form my own opinions of what is true and what isn’t.... like I hope most scientists would do.... And I think we NEED to narrow which species we are trying to compare...because trying to compare animals to humans is like trying to compare grass to plants.... its way to general to even bother trying... so lets agree on a new question....
  10. Is instinct simply subconscious/preconscious thoughts/reactions to stimuli? and Could you argue that the only common instinctive behavior is to survive and reproduce?
  11. A buss full of Jewish rabbis on their way to a Chanukah party hits him.....
  12. lrokwild


    its just like in sales......the power of numbers....talk to 100 girls your bound to get a few phone numbers....talk to 10 you probably wont get any......
  13. New question is "What behavior separates us from the animals?" First of all, what animals are we contrasting.... should we rephrase this question to...? What behavior separates us from other Mammals? But... Ill start by saying it’s the behavior/ability to consciously control our instinctive actions or thoughts. For example, an animal will not do something if it knows that by doing so it could end its life. But humans do stuff like sky dive.... when we are consciously aware of the dangers. Also I think we are so far ahead of animals that it might be difficult to fully explain the contrast. For example, we experience 100's of emotions that most animals just simply cannot. Our actions greatly represent our emotional state at any given moment. And what about Freud’s theory of the subconscious, preconscious and conscious? Does this theory apply to animals or other mammals?
  14. Ok, so how does the reading head take the data being read off the HD and run it into the circuit board. Then how do we create these apparatuses to encode this 1010000101010111010 information into something new and more understandable? Is it the same way we create language? .... Then once the new language is formed I take it that it is used to send electricity to an audio or visual device. That concept I can grasp....your just lighting certain parts of a screen....but I just cant understand how such a complex arrangement of 1s and 0's could possibly create all the software we have today. That blows me away! But im starting to piece this concept together and begining to understand how it all works....thank you guys!
  15. lrokwild


    ill agree and stop....for now... i didnt mean to offend anyone. If i did im sorry!
  16. Tell everyone in this forum that this story is absolutely the biggest piece of ludicrous I have ever read, but then he gets interrupted....
  17. Yes, Yes, Yes, I just want to know it all, man.....I cant grasp how you control electricity with such precision with the use of transistors and the likes. Magnetic fields have something to do with it...I understand how you can align electrons and "suspend" them.... but where do you go from there....im missing a huge part of this picture and it has puzzled me for years!
  18. Yes, let me think about this for a bit......
  19. See, I was on the right track...by neutral I mean less reactive with photons.... but I’m not very educated in this particular area so my confusion is apparent. Thank you for clearing that up for me, god I'm such a sap for learning new things....even if its a completely useless piece of information...lol
  20. lrokwild


    I’m not joking, are you that ignorant to the fact that is so blatantly obvious that MEN are the more physically and emotional dominant sex? That doesn’t make women intellectually inferior, but it explains some general roles that we as humans carry out.... for example, men do the hunting.... men fix heavy equipment...its because we are physically built to be bigger and stronger. As for emotions, I think its safe to say women are more emotional than men...so one could argue that they are not in control of their emotions as much as men, which could ultimately lead to the argument that men are stronger emotionally than women. Don’t get me wrong, I respect women, I love women, our world would be nothing without women, women are equally important for the existence of life, just we are obviously different in many ways, and we shouldn’t try to hide it just to be politically correct.
  21. Are any of us fully in control of our actions? "My brain made me do it" What about temporary psychosis? Are we to blame for our actions then? When are we ever really to blame for our actions? Our actions are just movements of consciousness.... at any given second our brain can malfunction and cause us to do something that is not acceptable among the masses...committing murder for example.
  22. got his finger stuck in.....
  23. lrokwild


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