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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Are you saying that the mighty and furious Iraq is being held back purely by the USA, and that if the USA goes, then the rest of us are in big trouble? Oh please, please, please let him be saying that god. Bringing up the "war" in Iraq in a thread about the international representation of belief in evolution is completely off-topic, no matter how wonderfully circuitous you can be. Shame really, because it was a very smooooth segue, but there it is. The question is, how rapidly can creationists and the spread of their doctrine make the US tumble down the scientific progression list?
  2. That doesn't mean I can't see the funny side of a civilisation collapsing through voluntary lobotomisation. In fact, if America destroys itself with this foolishness, that will pretty much mean creationism is extinct. Yay! Go creationism!
  3. It means nothing. Evolution is something to be described, not believed in.
  4. More to the point, the RIAA have no jurisdiction in Europe whatsoever.
  5. Ah, if he is a server admin, then that is a completely different kettle of fish. He will clearly have the tools to cripple your play. However before we can give you a solution, we need to figure out how he is doing it. What can you tell us about the game?
  6. Part 1 of 2 is up (took more than a day to transcribe and counter 15 mins of the video, so Part 2 is ocming next weekend). I would appreciate lots of lovely feedback via the comments system
  7. Surely, if anything, that reinforces what I said?
  8. Freedom for who? If someone makes a choice for you, you cannot truly be said to be free to choose. Perhaps it was the meddling itself that was resented, rather than the intended results.
  9. I am currently writing an open rebuttal to this for my blog. It is quite long. When I am done I would greatly appreciate lots of objective comments [edit] This is so long it will not be up until tomorrow now.
  10. How long do you think that will last? At the moment, maybe. If this worst case scenario does emerge, it can't avoid encouraging tcpa-free competition.
  11. Apparently Richard Stallman has never heard of public relations.
  12. Do you know what his connection speed is? If your computer is running very fast, with a fast connection, then chances are the people who play against you will have less speedy machines. If this person has a much slower machine than you the game server will probably apply a lag to you to compensate - online games are often forced to the slowest player's best speed.
  13. I was under the impression that intelligence (and therefore IQ) was largely a product of neural pathway development in the infant brain, which in turn is a normal reaction to external stimuli. Where has this "IQ gene" thing come from? (I mean, obviously it came from the O/P... but why is it being discussed as if it is actually true?) As far as I am concerned the apparent spread of stupidity in humans is far more likely to be due to changing societal structures than genetic rot.
  14. Maybe it's not more common, but just easier to spot.
  15. Sayonara

    new posts

    Nope, it is not just you: But don't forget it is holiday season.
  16. I suspect authentication and rights validation systems will be the new vanguard. A turnkey-style system of accepting information relationships should be easy to implement for "genuine" user-client relationships, and virtually impossible to hijack.
  17. I suspect that if they expanded their sample group to "people who have had really major surgery", instead of just looking at heart transplants, they would find exactly the same proportion of patients experienced similar lifestyle changes.
  18. I think there is steam left in this thread already, your comment about problems with the classification of resources is entirely valid. The problem can be approached from two angles: Cross-pollinating categories: where a resource appears in all applicable categories. Since someone searching for the resource is drilling down through hierarchial structures, duplicate entries in parallel arms of the structure will not affect their search. Redefining the scope of the term "resource": entries in such databases could include clusters of sub-entries that match the content of different areas of a site to the various relevant categories. This is something that RDF could really really help with.
  19. This problem is just one that the Resource Description Framework and Semantic Web models are intended to address. The ninety-third rule of the interweb is that if you just thought of it, someone else just published it
  20. I know this is going to sound like sarcasm, but have you tried Google's "Advanced Search"?
  21. Internet: A network of computer networks which communicate using the Internet Protocol (IP) suite, capable of carrying information services such as email, relay chat, peer to peer, and the World Wide Web. World Wide Web: Read-write resources such as text documents, images, and multimedia, which are stored as a global semi-public supercollection, referenced by means of a Unique Resource Identifier (URI), and transported via the internet infrastructure. To put it simply, the web is something you access via the internet. Projects such as http://dmoz.org/ supply vast indices organised by hierarchial structure, although I am not sure how well this matches what you are proposing.
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