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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I mean in the sense that AOL have a history of privacy fumbles, not in the sense that they are not subject to privacy legislation and all the requisite marketing loopholes that go with it. It's the obligatory "lol AOL are dumb lol" comment.
  2. Service localisation and user confidence. It is entirely possible to automate the selection of the correct language etc when a visitor comes to your website, however: a) This usually requires client (browser, screen reader, PDA... etc) header information which is not always sent, so a mechanism needs to exist to choose a fallback position, b) It's a lot of work, and disproportionately expensive for small businesses, individuals, or non-profit organisations, c) Studies show that consumer confidence increases when they perceive a service to be local or domestic, so why not use a localised TLD?
  3. Country codes as top level domains reflect the organisational structure of registration points, and service localisation (as Ecoli pointed out above), not the structure of the 'net. Before I involve myself more in this thread, I would like to know if Anjruu is really proposing to organise the internet, which is a protocol/hardware infrastructure, or could he perhaps mean that we should organise the world wide web, which is a different thing altogether?
  4. People who are concerned about privacy should know better than to use AOL. In an environment where information is a currency, and investment of that currency is mandated by service providers, a policy of caveat emptor is the only workable means of protecting users. (Although having said that, it doesn't help when companies like AOL do such spastic things)
  5. Corn flakes have never flown in the face of scientific models.
  6. No it isn't. And yes, I do see the irony here.
  7. Let me know if you want a map showing the fifty-mile exclusion radius around YT's house.
  8. Speak for yourself BTWYT this thread should be called "MI5 website relaunched yesterday".
  9. So it won't stop ray guns then...? Good... gooooood.
  10. While it seems true that the human race is chasing after goals which do not improve or maintain genetic fitness, and the evolutionary "strength" of the species is being diluted, a population crash does not necessarily lead to extinction. In fact in selective terms it is sometimes a hefty kick in the pants.
  11. Han: Over my dead body. Greedo: That's the idea. I've been looking forward to killing you for a long time. HAN: Yes, I'll bet you have. * zap zap * Greedo: THUD. For shame, CPL.Luke.
  12. Debating opinions on file sharing is not helping Garaa. Stay on topic.
  13. Sayonara

    The Secret

    I was looking for the lesser chuffled malisprout last tuesday and what do you know? I found it under a teapot holding a bag of charmed quarks.
  14. SQL is largely platform independent (in terms of the queries used by clients connecting to it), with the exception of minor differences in proprietary products such as Oracle. If you want to use PHP but still produce a GUI interface, use the PHP-GDK on php.net: http://gtk.php.net/ I'd suggest learning it properly before steaming ahead and making something dreadful though.
  15. Woooo! I knew I was meant to watch something today
  16. You didn't answer my question, yet you still dared post! The duck is coming for you! Basically they have made it into a panel that shows you pictures of things and changes the name of everything you have previously learned the name of, and gives you properties for things you would not expect and no means of modifying things you would almost certainly need to tweak. So... it's a pile of bantha poodoo.
  17. O is 60% away from A in the vowels list. That's not "almost"! ps "you're"
  18. How in god's unholy name does one change the WEP key for a wireless connection in the dratted mess of a Windows Vista network manager? Answer me or feel the wrath of an evil duck with a corkscrew where its beak should be.
  19. Sorry but it's your warped imagination. TSOLKAS = "Ass Tolk" or "Oss Talk".
  20. I'm sorry but my point stands. You are not describing a game that could be called "football", you are describing a game that should be called "fondleballs".
  21. Dear oh dear, you silly Americans and your "feet". Over here we call the things on the ends of our legs "feet", and what you call "feet" we call "nancy's body armour".
  22. I am supporting Italy, because if they win I get the £22 in our office's sweepstake prize fund. Italia!
  23. In future I suggest not letting the cat use your laptop. It can buy its own.
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