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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara

    9/11 Truth

    I will have to look at that tomorrow, because it is 03.24 here However I would warn that laying out evidence and providing a cogent and reliable interpretation of said evidence are two different beasts.
  2. Sayonara

    9/11 Truth

    Even accepting that Bush has lied about 9/11' date=' lying about something does not make you responsible for it. (Although clearly, being the C-in-C, he is culpable for every death caused by US weapons.) You aren't doing yourself any favours. A logical appraisal explicitly fails to imply favouritism to any particular outcome.
  3. Daddy-o, what's the dilly-o, yo?
  4. That doesn't mean (i)frames are good. It means those people like the service. Position does not increase because your content got spidered, it increases because of inward link authority ranking. The old frameset method served essentially the same purpose, and although you could control the size etc they are simply not as versatile as iframes. Don't forget though that frames originated way before CSS, without which iframes are useless.
  5. Oh god so very busy, so busy it's coming out of my eyes. It's nice to know you miss me... or maybe you just don't like it when you don't know if I am watching Anyway, the absence has served a purpose: pre-registration for Armada Wars has started, and some of you will be playing it before the public beta in autumn. Because I have very little time now I am looking for someone to take over DeathToCreationism.com, including cpanel / ftp / database access. Any takers?
  6. That may well be so, but it doesn't mean a physicist will automatically be able to complete a biology exam by computation from fundamentals, as Klaynos implies. The fact that we know that physical processes guide biological processes does not allow a student to describe the histological characteristics of different kinds of cells, or explain how intraspecific competition modulates breeding patterns, or demonstrate how we can artificially interrupt the life history of crop pathogens.
  7. I'll move the thread, if desired...?
  8. I wouldn't have thought that would be a function of early feathers, which iirc were thought to simply be scales with complex structure. Display probably came much later on as a secondary (but selectively important) function.
  9. Anyone would find it difficult to develop an idea without knowing where its faults lay. No, they'd feel validated because their critical appraisals helped avert catastrophe and refine the idea. Oh you CANNOT be serious.
  10. If you have substantially more RAM memory than is ever used by the pagefile, then theoretically you don't "need" to use the hard disc. But just because the data stored in the pagefile can fit in the RAM, doesn't mean it's the best place for it. That's what I was trying to explain. Although I'm fairly confident Windows will lie a lot anyway.
  11. If the operating system is to keep running vital services, it has to have swap space. If that swap space is the system memory, then every time any program needs to use the memory, the current use and expected use needs to be evaluated, information moved out of the memory and saved to disc, then it has to be moved back when the memory is freed, and all of this is at least doubling bus usage and reducing memory throughput available to the whole system. Errr... I think.
  12. So you start of by saying you think that homosexuality is "unnatural" behaviour (without defining the scope of the term), the majority of the answers explain why this is not so, and after ignoring most of the replies you then conclude "I still comes down to natural and unnatural behavior". In biological terms, something unnatural in behaviour is that which has not been biologically directed by some form of intraspecies genetic or neurological development. Since there is no evidence to support the claim that homosexual behaviour has no such root causes, and plenty of evidence from both humans and the animal kingdom that it does, the claim "homosexuality is [biologically] unnatural" is not supportable. All you can hope for is to speculate and tell us what you believe, which is not of any great concern. In social terms, there is a raft of attitudes towards homosexual behaviour across different countries, and across the centuries, so absolute claims such as your notion of "morally and socially correct" cannot be unilaterally applied. The first thing I will say is that you have identified a cultural difference there, not a biological one. Social acceptance of any kind of behaviour within a culture is not an attribute of the biological basis of the behaviour; it is an attribute of the society itself. The second thing I will say is that paedophilia and homosexuality are in no way comparable in the context of the discussion you are trying to have, no matter how you try to crowbar them together. Give up now. Looking at the other lengthy threads on exactly this topic (oh so many) will give you an idea why. Humans are not capable of anything, but that's irrelevant. You are now placing false requirements on the case for homosexuality being natural by suggesting that "everything" must be natural for homosexuality to be natural, which is patently not the case. Bad example. Many species swallow stones to break up plant matter in the gut, and IIRC there are some documented cases of humans doing it (archeologically and otherwise). How can acting on a natural instinct be unnatural? You can't have it both ways. Changing your frame of reference in the last sentence and not going anywhere with it is pointless. Regardless, if I understand what you mean by "the pleasure based psychology", surely an individual of a species subject to this psychology, that is acting in a fashion that uses pleasure as the primary motivation, is behaving in a manner that is consistent with itself and its species, and is therefore "natural".
  13. They need to be the same speed, or ALL the memory is clocked down to the speed of the lowest rated stick. Iirc it may also cause rapid "aging" of the memory itself. On motherboards that support dual-channel ram, paired sticks ought to be identical in order to avoid problems. With reference to the o/p, increasing the RAM available in your machine is unlikely to have a significant effect on pagefile usage.
  14. Iirc air had to be imported into the system, and so did food. However, the lessons learned from such an experience are the most valuable part of the exercise. The mistakes of Biosphere II will allow more stable models to be built.
  15. Sayonara


    This thread is ancient in terms of CPU development.
  16. Sayonara

    Closing Threads

    I am now closing this thread as it no longer serves any useful purpose. If that is a problem, feel free to PM me. If there are any systematic suggestions relating to this topic, then they should go where they belong: In the suggestions forum.
  17. Sayonara

    Closing Threads

    And that's good, if a touch contradictory. You can't be held responsible for the actions of others, and the admins and mods will not fail to take action in a badly deteriorating thread just because you are posting in it. The same will hold true (or close, at any rate) on any forum with a strict policy on post quality and rational discourse. Therefore the best you can hope for is to stop putting effort into a thread when you see it degrading into babble or name-calling, and wait for the issue to be resolved before expending more effort. Even better, since VBulletin has a post reporting system that is designed to free the staff from the necessity of reading every single post, become a member who not only cares about the community (even if it's only your own input that concerns you) but has an active hand in keeping it civil and sensical. If you see a thread that you have invested time and interest in is about to become a debacle, and you don't want this to go on until the entire lot is closed, alert the staff with a post report. The system is designed to allow you to include your specific concerns. Admins are humans too, and it is totally understandable for an admin who puts as much time and effort into this community as Dave to get exasperated when he sees two long-time members (who are both staff, by the way) behaving like children. Not that that makes it all okay, but Dave has already said - twice now, and publically - that he feels his choice of phrase was not particularly apt. What more do you want, and why should you get it? No, I characterised the way you expressed them as a routine. Please don't attempt to change the meaning of my words to my face; anyone here can tell you that's the fastest way to lose sympathy when expressing a grievance. You accepted the rules just by joining. By all means dispute and debate them, but do not attempt to dictate what they "should be". Yes, we are lucky enough to have a small but stable and well-educated core of users. The reason for this is that we (by which I mean both the staff, and those core users) have worked very hard over more than four years to establish the structured rules and etiquette systems that keep the science and debate areas productive and (relatively speaking) crap free. It's those systems that you are taking issue with. Perhaps taking a step back and cooling down might help you see that. I can assure you that Dave has no delusions about the nature of his authority. It is not for you to invent character traits on his behalf. Then I wish you the very best of luck as you wend your merry way through life. It will certainly be an eventful journey.
  18. Sayonara


    Bit of a truism tbh. That'll be a "yes" then, and I suppose it covers the "why?" as well. You should look into it.
  19. If zero point energy were readily accessible now the world would be a very different place, idiotic "oooooh the shady conspiracy wants to keep free energy quiet" distractions notwithstanding. I call bs.
  20. Sayonara

    Closing Threads

    "Peremptorily" implies that no other consideration or action was taken before the thread was closed, which is not the case. We have a system that works and the fact that you don't see it does not mean that it is not there. You are by no means the first person to participate in a thread that winds up being closed, and Shiva knows you will not be the last. But not so short that you couldn't find time to post a thread to complain. Why not drop the dying swan routine, and start a new thread on the topic that learns from the lessons of the one that was closed?
  21. Sayonara


    I can infer from this that you are tossing possible multiverse models out of the window. Why is that?
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