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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    Moderators are people too (Except for Mokele, who is a reptile)
  2. Is there actually a hypothesis being proposed in the first post?
  3. This is not true. One does not and can not observe "a law" or "a theory". In both cases you are observing the consequences of the mechanisms at work. Whether or not our descriptions of those mechanisms are accurate has naff all to do with whether they occur. Zero causality, in other words, in the direction you are looking. Putting law and theory in bold as you have done implies a "rightness hierarchy" that simply does not exist. And it can negate those questions, and has done time and time again, which is why people are no longer inclined to give full explanations. The fact that the question is asked on a site where the answer is already available in multiple locations is usually an effective indicator that the asker is not interested in the details of the response. In any case, in debate one is perfectly entitled to take a counter-argument no further than the identification of the opponent's logical errors. Firstly, I am not talking about public support. I am talking about subjective appraisal. The two are not the same, and only the latter has anything to do with the matter at hand. Secondly, whether or not "science takes money" has nothing to do with determined outcomes (well, unless it's pretend science - like L'Oreal trialling their new product on a whopping 200 women then telling us what percentage of them reported shinier follicles. That's a whole other game though). This is an intellectually dishonest comparison, and the latter half is a strawman. Gravity predicts the dog will fall. Evolution does not predict spontaneous cross-species changes in individual organisms. If you want to see evolution in action on the order of species differentiation you might try something that has much larger populations and much shorter generation times, such as bacteria - which very much have been observed evolving.
  4. What do you mean by "out of the ordinary"?
  5. More like 11,000 deleted, going by the post id numbers.
  6. The title of this thread is disappointingly misleading.
  7. This isn't the kind of thing we want to make available to any old Joe who passes by. If anyone knows a solution and wants to hand that information out, they can PM Lance directly.
  8. That's not really how "science" works anyway, so you haven't really achieved anything there. You're just placing requirements on "evolution" that don't mean anything to anybody else. Somewhat misrepresentative of the truth. We need faith in our interpretations to a certain degree, but to say we need to have faith in evolution is like saying we need to have faith in gravity, and we patently don't. It's becoming increasingly clear that you have some very funny ideas about how the scientific method works, what scientists do with themselves all day, and what the term "evolution" represents in biology. I suspect that if you were being totally honest with yourself, you'd probably come to the conclusion that they were reacting unfavourably to loaded and contrived questions being delivered as part of an argument from incredulity. That's not really true. We can plainly see evolution happening everywhere, in the present and historically. The vast bulk of research in the evolutionary sciences is done for the purpose of determining mechanisms, not collecting evidence that it happens at all. Only an utter gibbon with the mental acumen of a twig would claim that evolutionary change doesn't exist. Why? No part of evolutionary theory makes any such claims. That has nothing to do with evolution. Sorry to be so blunt, but "science" doesn't care if you agree with it or not. It isn't a popularists' club.
  9. And indeed the i18n preference is dd-mm-yyyy, which uses ascending orders and is therefore mathematically useful.
  10. BG is a recent addition to the poll options. The vast majority of people who voted did so months and months before BG was even an option.
  11. Welcome back Daisy -- we missed you!
  12. Sayonara

    DTC Users

    This error appears to exist because the Drupal template in question, much like the Drupal engine, is shite. Anyone know of a better CMS that has similar features to Drupal?
  13. Safely and effectively containing the energy from lightning strikes in chemical cells requires a bit more explanation than "the lightning goes into the box and gets stored".
  14. They are quite obviously the spirits of the recently departed, waving at the photographer.
  15. You watch your go-ram language.
  16. "Serenity" is out in one week
  17. As usual the "aren't gayers strange?" thread attracts 90% rubbish and 10% actually doing research. Closing for the sake of preserving reason and dignity.
  18. I can't decide whether the crab is cooler than Mokele's facial furniture. (And I promise I'll actually read the thread when I get home from work )
  19. It's literally the same discussion.
  20. We've done this before. Three times.
  21. Rubbish, **** isn't swearing Sorry, I was away being not here.
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