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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. For some unfathomable reason most straight men have an irrational fear of being done up the bum, and for equally unfathomable reasons they think that's what all gay men want to do to them. How queer. Made me snigger.
  2. Sayonara

    DTC Users

    Jeez, this release of Drupal is just a big bag of holes.
  3. Sayonara

    DTC Users

    Yes, I see what you mean. I think it's another permissions problem. I can see the total abandonment of Drupal coming over the horizon...
  4. Sayonara

    DTC Users

    Is that a no then? Because the logs say otherwise
  5. The FBI has no specific remit outside USA borders, and certainly no jurisdiction, so they can't (for instance) arrest a UK citizen who's just stolen a bunch of CDs from the Luton branch of HMV. What they can do however is share investigative resources and information with other law enforcement agencies, which is why they are always getting their hands on 13-year-old Swedish hackers, etc.
  6. For future reference, when challenging people to find a weakness in your theory, make it "everyone" instead of "anyone". It's more difficult for them to get organised that way.
  7. Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Please stop talking about "genetic mutations" making people gay - it's really unproductive.
  8. Easier said than done if you live in a country that hangs people for having sex with someone of the same gender.
  9. It's not all about oestrogen. Just because the most visible gays are the squawking queens, it doesn't mean they're the only ones. There are plenty of very testosteroney gay men out there. This doesn't actually just apply to homosexuals, for the record. I don't know anyone who ever chose to fall in love with somebody.
  10. Imagining isn't really an adequate substitute for experiencing though, is it? I'm sure there's plenty of truth in that, but it only explains away homosexuality if we are strongly confusing sexual activity, love, and meaningful relationships. That's all very noble, and I agree with your basic sentiments, but disagreeing that a genetic component is required doesn't mean that it can be written off.
  11. I don't see where you are getting "must" from in that post.
  12. You are not talking about the internet. You are talking about the web. Web = documented content. Internet = physical infrastructure. The protocols are separate. So do you mean how is the network itself going to change technologically, or how will the information carried on the web change over time?
  13. Stars aren't fixed. What do you consider to be the difference between a "fixed" point and an "absolute" point?
  14. CURL is a PHP object, so it's possible that some VB defence function is back-firing. You can get around it by inserting an opening and closing [b ] tag between the U and R.
  15. Slight tweak - add a pointer mouse style to the H2 tags! WAMP rules. Nothing structural should be done with tables. Only tabular data (things like rows of search results, a table of products and prices, etc) should use them. Not really; there are some display problems that arise from it, but they are minor. The reasons you should not use it for non-tabular display are: - It's a massive amount of bloated code to do something that can be achieved using a styled <div />, - It won't do anything on TTY or non-browser clients, other than mangle your content, - It creates a nightmare scenario for people using screen readers, - It goes against the principles of the semantic web and meaningful structure, - It takes longer to write, - It's harder to maintain. Not all parts of the VB forum and its plugins come from the same source. Some developers are more willing to misuse tables than others. However, the VBulletin source is in transition to complete conformity at the moment.
  16. Forgot to mention this at the time... Even these stats will give a false view, because Opera and Konqueror identify themselves as Internet Explorer by default.
  17. Frames is the source of all screaming in the world. "I want to bookmark and refresh, damn your eyes!"
  18. Doesn't defining an arbitrary and absolute fixed point mean you aren't using relativity any more?
  19. I've downloaded Ubuntu 64 and Mandriva LE 2005 i86-64 so far. WinXP64 is not available from the UK web site yet, so I might d/l the trial version. I can always roll back Incidentally my CPU arrived this morning, but they haven't sent my skt939 mobo yet. So I get to stare at the box all weekend
  20. People whose job it is to know about these things don't make that assumption. We already know about hundreds of extremophilic species on Earth; there's no reason they could not thrive elsewhere.
  21. Tables should only be used for presenting tabulated data. If you're using them for laying out page content, stop; that practise is the source of all suffering in the world today. To be honest the javascript you need for showing/hiding a small piece of content is really simple. You won't need to learn anything more complex than constructing a function that toggles the properties of a particular style, which is all really easy. It's exactly the kind of thing w3schools uses to teach you the fundamentals. PHP is a whole other world. Unlike javascript, which is a clientside language (i.e. instructs the browser), PHP is a serverside language (i.e. instructs the web server). There is some degree of overlap in functionality and technique, but not much. Don't put off learning it though. It will speed up your productivity no end if used correctly. My current design path involves using PHP classes to automatically generate the vast majority of the HTML in pages on a site, including menus, breadcrumbs, and even dynamic site maps that only show live pages.
  22. This is all true, but we're talking about interplanetary technology so I'm guessing we have efficient boosting technology by then. I would not use Mir as a counter example. Although modular, it was not built to be future-facing, and had a specified lifespan from the outset. We'd be building ours with the opposite design philosophy in mind.
  23. You will probably be able to do it after a couple of hours on http://www.w3schools.com
  24. It's not necessarily about money they lose or gain directly through the IE user base. By crow-barring people into The Microsoft Way (by pushing a product with their operating system that works best with their own proprietary code, and ignoring the mutually agreed way everyone else does things) they ensure expanding markets for the product lines that support the development of content for that platform. Everything from asp.NET to Visual Basic owes its enormous market share to the overall strategy, which IE has played a significant role in. The question is "500 pixels from the left, relative to what?" Firefox follows the standards and uses the box model correctly. Microsoft use their own box model (which does actually makes sense on its own), and therefore IE disagrees with all other clients. This is why you should develop to standards and then make a minor tweak for IE. It's as easy as inserting a strategically-placed > into your CSS. Check out the articles on cross-platform web development at http://www.alistapart.com for more information. I know. That's the problem. That page doesn't need layers - the problem is arising from styles that are imprecisely controlled and redundant.
  25. At one time iirc it was all done in assembly, but we're moving to higher level languages now thanks to CPU advances pushing the envelope on the capacity of BIOS and machine language. Yay for advances!
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