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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I don't dispute his claim. The point of me stating that people in the present will know about the "hidden features" Titor mentioned is that it rules out the idea that his knowledge of those features proves he is a visitor from the future. It's millions of times more more likely he found out about them via an IBM worker (or was one himself) than it is that he came from another worldline.
  2. All forms are transitional, just like all rest frames are equally valid. That was a short game but I enjoyed it
  3. This thread is full of crap. If dinosaurs existed up to 3,000 years ago, where are their remains? Where are the Egyptian, Sumerian, and Mesopotamian records of such creatures? What total drivel. And I notice everyone making the argument for Behemoth being a dinosaur conveniently failed to mention that the Bible describes it as having a navel (16), and also describes the strength of its bones (18) - which nobody observing could have known. It even goes on to say what behemoth does at the weekend, when it's not ramapaging and eating goats (21-23). It's just a ****ing set piece, get over it. Leviathan isn't even a description of a specific beast - it's just a metaphor for man's impotence in the face of nature. It amazes me that some people can say "oh you just don't understand the bible" one minute, yet abandon their ability to interpret it properly the second it becomes convenient. We already played this game here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1581 Where the hell is all the water for a global flood supposed to come from? Seriously - calculate the vacant space volume of the average layer required to cover everything, and then calculate the volume of water tied up as ice and cloud. As for the Paluxy tracks - don't make me laugh. They've been debunked here to a highly satisfying degree, and over and over again elsewhere by much more thorough parties. ... I know that was an angry sounding post, but for god's sake - it's the same old rubbish over and over and oh my god the agony of the trite over.
  4. Sayonara


    Or, to put it another way, yes they can.
  5. Hoyle is being overly-simplistic. Genes aren't magically advantageous in their own right - they are advantageous because the other genetic expressions in the population are comparatively less well-adapted to the set of conditions in question. Think weighted averages, only with expressive influence instead of the mean.
  6. If there were/are hidden features, then there are people in the present who know about it in great detail. Occam's Razor says this is more likely than Titor being from the Wooorrrrld of Toooomorrrooow. I can tell you my time travelling toilet is powered by a trifilamental string compressor, and works by folding time in two dimensions, but it doesn't make it true. Maybe, maybe not. You seem to imply that "ordinary" is a state that precludes knowledge of black holes and/or time travel, whereas in reality most of the physicists I know who have internet access consider themselves quite ordinary people. You also seem to be suggesting that out of six billion people, someone posting about their time travel experiences on the internet to a level of sophistication that is sufficient to convince you can only be explained by them being a time traveller, which is frankly hilarious.
  7. shopgirl is posting in this thread because she can't be bothered to activate her account (or didn't read her welcome mail) and therefore can't start new threads. Why she's asking that question on SFN is a whole other story.
  8. That didn't take long: http://www.intuitor.com/moviephysics/
  9. There is a web site somewhere with very good analyses of the worst common mistakes. I'll see if I can find it.
  10. Apart from everything in the basement, unless this was the fabled Basement of Perfect Light Absorbing Materials. A lense flare is just non-image-forming light as far as a camera is concerned. It isn't required to be bright, directional, or visible to the naked eye - it's the shape of the aperture and lense that give it its characteristics in the final image, not its original source.
  11. The essential question (which nobody has thought to ask yet) is: what do you want to use it for? Installable software? Web applications?
  12. The "why" isn't a requirement, but since you asked, when was the last time you saw rocks flourishing? The answer is that you never have, because a rock isn't a living system (the distinction is fairly simple, and no - this is not the place to go into it, ta very much), and the comparison is therefore invalid. You are compounding the mistake of the first post by deliberately using "survive" in place of "continuously exist", and by disregarding the fact that - actually - rocks don't necessarily "continuously exist" at all.
  13. Not evidence for creationism. Not evidence for creationism. Not evidence for creationism. Not evidence for creationism. ...and for the most part, not evidence for creationism. Evidence against "A" (whether it is good evidence or not) is not evidence for "B". Try again.
  14. I for one would be devastated if Paradox never came back.
  15. You are disregarding the fact that a web site containing the phrase "Gettysburg Ghost" does not necessarily make claims that the Gettysburg Ghost exists.
  16. Did they have elevators in the civil war, or did the teachers' lift just appear in the hospital like Rufus's phone box?
  17. Fafalone has not been a member here for a long time.
  18. What does humanism have to do with evolutionary theory, or the big bang?
  19. It would help if you told us what you are trying to accomplish.
  20. There are several existing threads on this. Search the forums for "silicon life".
  21. Being asked to present something in a specific fashion is not "being limited". If you can't provide a proper mechanism, then say so now so that people can save time by ignoring the thread.
  22. Dolphins - they account for all unsolved murders.
  23. Thirteen hours over thirty years is not "fast".
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