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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. There is no special crack squad of judges who go around checking business have 3 darkies* per hundred staff. The very idea of that is racist itself. Discrimination laws come into force as the result of grievances, not because we live in an Orwellian state. * yes, I am being facetious.
  2. Preview screenings are tomorrow (Thursday) in the UK.
  3. The problem with your example is that it never happens. Race discrimination laws are reactive, not persecutory.
  4. A hydrocarbon is C-OH and a carbohydrate is CH2or3. I think. I seem to have forgotten a lot of chemistry
  5. This thread is wandering dangerously away from the topic. Get it sorted.
  6. Faced 16 charges at the Old Bailey, including 10 charges of soliciting to murder (under section four of the Offences Against the Person Act of 1861), 4 charges of using threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour with intent to stir up racial hatred, and possessing a document controlled under section 58 of the Terrorism Act. And let's not forget he was detained at Her Majesty's pleasure for months and months in Belmarsh Prison before it even went to the courts. So not really "getting away with it" so much as "facing an utter shitstorm".
  7. And look at how we treat them. Actually that's not true, and the examples range from the everyday to high profile arrests, such as that of Abu Hamsa al-Masri. But, you know, I'm sure there are plenty of people who will not notice jingoism masquerading as moral outrage, so by all means carry on acting like one of those crazies on Speaker's Corner.
  8. That seems to contradict the rest of the post, in which you go on to echo what I said
  9. You need a certain number of posts before you can access it. No spamming mind.
  10. Nobody in Realworldia cares what kids think, so neither should you. Soon enough you'll all be going your separate ways to different colleges, universities, and then jobs. The difference is that you'll be much better equipped to handle Realworldia on Realworldian terms. Underaged social lives barely count anyway. It's not like you're missing anything.
  11. The key element here is that when someone starts trying to disprove "Darwinism", laugh at how quaint they are and then leave.
  12. It shows that the originator doesn't know anything about ecology. Not that that detracts from the overall point, of course. The role of the ecologist is easily replaced.
  13. Can I just point out that Lamarckism is not outdated; it was falsified.
  14. Don't encourage him. This thread was started as a joke and mainly continued as a farce - not entirely surprised that justice did not pick up on that.
  15. You know, people can have picnics and be nice to each other without bringing god up every five seconds. Not that any of that is related to the O/P.
  16. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=8809 Heh heh heh.
  17. I believe the selection of games is limited to what is actually available for that VB modification. You can't just nick other people's software/flash movies and expect them to magically "work" with the arcade, and even if you could, we wouldn't.
  18. True, and a perfect opportunity to remind people that spam will be deleted on sight
  19. Replace "new" with "repackaged". Looks kinda handy though.
  20. It's not even a matter of mere computation - we simply lack the required knowledge.
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