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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. And what is that random collection of pictures of interesting fauna meant to prove?
  2. Whether or not I am convinced is not a factor in deciding whether or not you provide a convincing argument. Cause and effect, hello. What did I tell you about strawman arguments? Yes, we noticed. I on the other hand have not said that I am not convinced - I have said that you have not convinced me, which is a different kettle of fish. You have not convinced me, Christ Slave, because you have provided nothing convincing. This is a attributable to you, not me, and no matter how much you twist, turn, and throw red herrings at everyone, you still haven't provided an actual theory.
  3. You should probably have picked a better example, seeing as the rank of Knight Commander of the British Empire was recently conferred on Gates by Queen Elizabeth II in recognition of his outlandishly immense contributions to alleviating human suffering.
  4. The non-breaking space was never intended to be used for nudging layout. It's for separating grouped words that should not be wrapped, in exactly the same way as the hard hyphen. Non-typographic manipulation of content should all be done via attributes and CSS, not by bloated and inappropriate code. [/rant]
  5. So what you're saying is, you're going to talk about something other than the thing I said I'd be interested in hearing about?
  6. No, it's not the same as a spacebar space. Hence the need for a character reference.
  7. It is the character entity for a non-breaking space (and not actually a tag). Basically inline white space that won't break the line.
  8. I realise Corel asked for people's views on pedophilia, but this is a science site and we pride ourselves on being a forum for rational discourse rather than a house of clucking hens. Personally I see having several pedophiles posting in a thread about the nature of pedophilia to be a distinct advantage, rather than an opportunity to express distaste. I'd suggest that those who do not like the content of the thread simply stop reading it.
  9. What, because leaving the scene of a child murder is less troublesome than leaving with the vague threat of a barely believable tale being told some time later? You have some funny ideas Bettina.
  10. Last time I checked sexual abuse of children and murder were separate crimes. You can't hope to rationally consider one thing if you are tainting it with your emotive responses to something else.
  11. Tough. It's up to you to convince us that your model is superior to the current model. Therefore your model must both explain everything the current model explains, not contradict inter-dependent models, and work better.
  12. Or, as I like to call it, unconditionally having learned where its best chances for the next meal lay.
  13. ... What it's "all about" in functional, behavioural terms. Not what it's called.
  14. It's also assuming that conservation always applies but extra-specially just not throughout time, despite the fact that we're necessarily treating it as a continuum because we are discussing a barrier to travel through it. Which is, of course, all very silly.
  15. There must be serious advantages though, as I know that farmers in India risk using GM strains despite them being illegal there.
  16. Not exactly true. Vannevar Bush's "Memex" is considered to be the forerunner of the concept.
  17. Oddly enough, his is remarkably simple and boils down to "Daddy, acknowledge me ". True story.
  18. Don't forget you have projects to manage and stuff...
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