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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I haven't actually said anything about duty, have I? Nor have I insisted on anything. I see you strawmanning anyone again and you'll receive a warning. It would seem to be a monumental waste of time to partake in any activity at all on a public forum if you are not going to use it for its intended purpose, which is discussion. Answering questions in an appropriate fashion is a critical part of discussion, so it's something you might want to work on. a) You only "need refreshed" because of your vast off-topic diatribe getting between this post and the pertinent one, b) It's up there --^ Go read it, you lazy monkey, c) The fact that you presuppose "motivation" behind every post and leap at every shadow is probably why you aren't received as well as you'd like. Did it ever occur to you that accusing anyone who tries to discuss your posts of being part of some insidious plot against you is not very constructive?
  2. Once again, complaining about how mean people are and putting words (and, which is worse, intentions) in peoples' mouths, instead of answering a simple question.
  3. % and # are not google operators. % is part of URL-encoded data (e.g. %20 is a space). # indicates the start of an anchor id.
  4. If you have been banned from other forums before, then presumably you have some idea of what to avoid. Cheers. We do our best
  5. ...waiting for someone to explain that the razors cut the light up so small we can't see it...
  6. Have you moved those peacocks back to the lower meadow yet? Lord and Lady Aston will be arriving shortly and I am not paying out for yet another Rolls. Post on web forums in your own time.
  7. Sayonara

    Which ones yours!

    If you want to make some sort of coherent political point, you might want to consider a combination (or indeed all) of these tactical moves: 1) Learn how to use the apostrophe, 2) Find out what "demagoguery" means, then avoid it, 3) Learn about sentence structure, 4) Check your historical and geo-political facts before drawing sweeping conclusions. Please also note that attempting to stealth your threads by posting them in the wrong forum is not going to work, and will only aggravate the staff further.
  8. No. It's the DHCP in the router having a spazz. Usually these things correct themselves after a few minutes; if not, restart the router manually.
  9. They are not a "product" of un-natural and careless lifestyle as such - disease is more visible in conjunction with those lifestyles because they provide more suitable conditions for pathogenic diseases to operate, while simultaneously reducing the natural ability to combat the diseases and repair the damage that they do.
  10. Let's stop helping these sites' google rankings.
  11. I propose we refer to it as "Fizzicks".
  12. What do you mean, you "agree" it isn't easy to imagine? You haven't given me anything to imagine yet in evolutionary terms. You appear to be waffling.
  13. Sayonara


    The problem with this approach is that the more specific the criteria become (which happens very quickly), the less likely they are to actually be barriers for what we would call "life".
  14. Not really, and you completely missed his point.
  15. I meant what is it exactly that is being described as complex? "Complex organisations of matter" is extremely vague, whereas evolutionary theory is not. Are you talking about matter at the individual level (e.g. neural interconnections in the brain), at the population level (e.g. phenotypic distribution within a herd), or at the community level (e.g. biomass representation in a trophic web)?
  16. I am not entirely certain what it looks like, but I know that JaKiri has used such a device if you want to ask him. Using perspective on a 2D display to create the illusion of 3D objects. Like in Red Alert 2, etc. Afaik 4D viewers use 3D displays in the same basic fashion.
  17. It's perfectly normal to anticipate dispute in a thread that's turning into a debate, especially where flat claims are made without citation or any point of reference.
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