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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. What are we talking about here, with respect to the term "complexity"?
  2. Most of the regular users use Firefox and have no problems. Try checking your cookie settings - you need to accept cookies from SFN to stay logged in.
  3. I am sure that one could make good arguments to support some of these examples, but what do they have to do with science slowing to a standstill? The cause and effect in any of those scenarios does not add up.
  4. It seems you either can or you can't. Fortunately video display equipment exists which allows the user to see 4D images (in the same way we use "2.5D" to display 3D images, one presumes).
  5. You seem to have misunderstood my question. I am not disputing your right to make those observations, but querying your method and motive. Out of interest. The first question, for example, seeks to discover how you decided what qualifies as "too many".
  6. We have more "Alex Chiu magic" threads than you can shake a stick at, so if your link is an indication we are going to get more then I am quite happy to add the URL for his affiliates script to our censored word list.
  7. Next time I see him on messenger I'll see if he's going to come back and continue the discussion.
  8. Right, let's try this again. Neither - it is ending evidence to disprove [a] generic criticism of evolution, which may be of interest to anti-evolution creationists.
  9. It was good, wasn't it? Nobody ever notices my puns. I'm impressed
  10. Unless you're the author of Flatworld, or anyone who has read it, or someone else with similar capacities.
  11. How did you decide on the "too many" bit, and why are you taking it upon on yourself to decide that?
  12. There's an actually useful thread in the pseudoscience forum! Good lord.
  13. Administrators don't jump in with warnings for "absolutely no reason". Please be more judicious in what you decide to post.
  14. Except that the wankers don't make those posts in the religion forum; they make them in the evolution forum. Blike and I decided a course of action already. It's all in hand. Stop worrying about it everyone.
  15. Sayonara


    Funny you should say that, because a big blob of crazy escaped out of my head today and landed on my blog.
  16. You might find this book particularly useful while you're working on this theory: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0004990005/qid=1113251420/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/102-3613420-1917758?v=glance&s=books It's very good.
  17. And make it really good, or face the wrath of the warning system.
  18. 6431hoho, it would really help if you learned to use the quote feature.
  19. No, but you can change your mind.
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