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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. ...do not a separate and original civilisation create. You seem to be making an argument from denial. Stop being depressing and read swanson's posts.
  2. The operation at Groot Schuur was the first heart transplant - not sure if it was also the first open heart surgery.
  3. I see. Well if they were banned by the FDA, then you shouldn't have any trouble finding citable material on it, should you? In what way exactly? And you'd better make it good. That's the one.
  4. Yes, which is not representative of Africa, on account of being a country and not the entire continent, and also on account of not being the wellspring of the European races. I don't think I did suggest that "You didn't do anything" at all, in fact. I have consistently being discussing where the incumbent civilisations come from, not who has got the biggest invention claiming penis. Compared to continental Africa, "America" (by which I mean the United States) is virtually identical to Europe in terms of civilisation. The differences are tediously trivial. For example..?
  5. Unless your overall aim is to prove that the civilisation of the United States was not transplanted because of the tools it uses, rather than anything to do with the source of its civilisation, then I really don't see what that was meant to achieve. The European nations arose and developed after the populations had migrated from Africa. Hundreds of minor civilisations and several big whoppers (most of the "all time top ten greatest and most influential", in fact) reared up in Europe, while Africa went on much as it had been doing for centuries. It was largely the British and French empires that took civilisation to the African nations. Do you see how that works? The source of the population does not also have to provide the civilisation - a nice choice of tools is not necessarily going to lead to Pythagoras theorem, astronomy, the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution, is it? If it was a given, then we might well ask why these things never emerged in Africa (and, in fact, nothing remotely like them did either. Not a bean. Ever), seeing as the remaining population weren't wasting their time wandering around looking for new places to live. Having said that, in the case of the colonisation of the Americas, it is not exactly secret that the British, French, Spanish, Portugese, Irish and Italians brought their technologies, religion, education and social systems with them. See how that's different? Both the populations and the civilisations moved together.
  6. That's an urban myth that has come about via chinese whispers. Like a lot of junk food, MacDonald's burgers are high in factors that suppress the body's satiation responses by mopping up ketones, meaning that you don't feel full when you should, and are more likely to buy another burger. I can't remember the name of the ingredient that does this (despite searches), but it's in a lot of convenience food.
  7. Jesus. I know that this will not be the last time I have to say this, but I really wish it was: Your* paradoxes don't work. They only show up logical limitations in your interpretation of what happens. * "Your" plural.
  8. No. "Worst mass murder", as opposed to the slaughter of tens of thousands of natives, which was a group effort? Ignoring of course the fact that thousands of nameless and unimportant foreigners have been killed in the name of the president, whereas the Queen and the Pope's sexual relationship exists only in your head. Actually, it was not removed because it was offensive. It was removed because the post was deliberately intended to exacerbate an argument that the staff had already intervened in with the intention of ending it. You have been warned several times about this issue, and clearly have not learned from your prior warnings/suspensions. Nobody ever said they were outraged by your post. You are - once again - putting words in people's mouths. I've had enough of your avatarial attitude. You are being suspended, and your status will be discussed at the next staff meeting. That will be in 2-4 weeks, because we sure as hell aren't reorganising this week's meeting for your benefit.
  9. Vitamin C is needed in the matrix of the cell membranes. Since it is water-soluble, it is not retained well by the body and any vit-C requirements need to be met on a supply and demand basis. When you have a cold, the level of disruption to cells is much higher than normal so your vit-C requirements spike quite a bit. So any extra vit-C you take is obviously going to be very welcome.
  10. Sayonara


    I cunningly intercepted any sarcastic comments about mine by honestly naming it "Sayo's Dull Blog".
  11. It's all very well training for endurance, but if you don't pack the right amount of carbs at the right time you aren't going to be able to run very far anyway. Look into nutrition for training and exercise, as well as Syntax's endurance advice.
  12. Actually (and this just came up in another thread) there's no reason why energy conservation cannot be preserved under either scenario.
  13. Sayonara


    Because planetary surfaces aren't typically made up of layers of different elements. Go outside and take a look.
  14. Is this part of our classification system, or do you actually mean Min-shara?
  15. That is a tutorial from the W3C, the organisation that sets the standards for HTML. If you can't get a frameset working with your host using that resource, then you should look on your host's support forums (if they have them) for advice from people who had the same problem. There is no thinking strategy that will let random people magically give you HTML that will work under unknown circumstances, so nobody here is going to be able to help without a lot more information.
  16. Population biology is more to do with the populations themselves rather than the alleles represented in them.
  17. That's funny, because history records Europe civilising Africa.
  18. Captain Needa (Apology accepted, Commander) or Admiral Ozzel (He is as clumsy as he is stupid)? Salacious Crumb. Boss Nass.
  19. That would be a very predictable landslide. In fact I can only really see one character being nominated.
  20. I had a feeling the contents of your head would come into this
  21. Books tend to make a profit - it's the inevitable consequence of people buying them in a free market. If you are going to disregard any evidence presented for the argument on those grounds, I hope your own counterpoints don't rely on books.
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