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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Yeah right, because I just wasn't paying attention when the IRA spent years terrorising the civilian population of the UK with car bombs, bin bombs, nail bombs, exploding pubs, and the always fun "inside-out shopping centres". I have not made assumptions about what you are saying, I have interpreted it in a certain way based on the words you are using. I don't see why this is such an issue that you can't deal with it simply by saying "that is not what I meant", or perhaps "what makes you say that?" I'm not sure what most parts of this are supposed to mean. The absolute bottom line is that soldiers are expendable. They exist because society does not like to randomly lose or take civilian lives.
  2. Wow, "dozens" of attacks per day. Imagine that, in a country of millions of people, with thousands upon thousands of cars. Well I'd certainly shoot first. It's not like soldiers have a duty to protect non-combatants, or should accept the possibility they may die in combat, or anything like that.
  3. Because many people don't think "that person might be a spy" outweighs "that person might be a lost civilian".
  4. Sayonara


    YT, this thread is closed.
  5. That's because of this retarded list of "probabilities" that certain creationists circulate, which is basically a stack of nonsense "prerequisites" for life emerging, each of them tagged with the arbitrary probability of one in a billion. It's tripe. There's also the fact that creationists often lack a sense of scale, which is understandable really. It's difficult to conceive of periods of time in the billions of years.
  6. This kind of thing... http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=43702&page=2
  7. My advice to you is to just smile if the topic comes up. You should be no more required to actively defend your beliefs than they are. If they ask why you're an atheist, reply with "why should I not be?". Then keep asking "why?" after every single thing they say, until they give up.
  8. OK - I'm about to leave work so I'll do it when I get home. They'll go in by order of post time, so they'll be in the right order.
  9. Do you want me to move the relevant posts over to the new thread?
  10. What do you mean by "mingle"? I can't think of any possible meaning of the word that fails to apply outside black holes.
  11. Sayonara


    When someone asks a question in a physics forum, they expect answers and subsequent discussions to be derived from physics, not opinion. Big surprise. I'm getting fairly sick of seeing off-topicness, irrelevance, failure to demonstrate, and deliberate contrariness in the physics threads. I know the other mods are, and the complaints suggest members with genuine physics interests are too. If you aren't interested in discussing physics in a manner that befits the subject, go to sciforums.com.
  12. Jesus H. Zombie. What the flid has Bush's reign of evil got to do with whether or not civilians can be shot at without consequences?
  13. How about understanding that it appears the same to observers in those frames. Stop taking this thread off-topic.
  14. And yet it still has nothing to do with the thread.
  15. "A growing number" is meaningless. They could have signed their fourth and fifth members last week.
  16. Sayonara


    I was thinking more from the dragon's point of view really.
  17. The only reason I mentioned it was because I recall you starting various Iraq threads, and the theme seems to be the same in them all. It's not a major issue by any means
  18. I think what he is most likely alluding to is that there's no reason to unnecessarily multiply the dimensionality of time (yet?). As in pointing out the evidence for other cases is absent.
  19. If you're going to keep making new Iraq threads, please actually post something more than a link that could have easily gone in any of the countless other Iraq threads.
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