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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. And this is by all means correct, but let's keep the context actually relevant. After all, if you're going to suggest scepticism because she "works for a communist newspaper", which is a rather vaguely connected piece of information and nothing really to do with the incident itself, then I can cast equal scepticism on the opposing side by saying that they "work for a country that has mounted numerous invasions in the past half-century". And after a while it all gets silly.
  2. No, it's because there's no such thing as a natural biotic ecological imbalance - it's a contradiction in terms. I don't see your point. That cycle is a completely normal part of many predator-prey ecological interactions. Yes, that's because beaver's dams are part of the habitat's pre-existing ecological network and part of the beaver life history. Human-built dams are neither of those things. True, but anthills don't tend to displace tens of thousands of hectares, nor do they sever the interfaces between different habitats, nor do they contaminate food webs, nor do they alter the local microclimate.
  3. Our involvement per se is not unnatural at all. It's when we do things that would not happen otherwise that a distinction can be made. For instance, if a species of eagle starts to decline (for whatever reason) and we intervene to increase numbers, we're messing with selective processes. Or if we dump chemicals that would never arise on their own in earth's geosphere, we're creating an abiotic factor that is literally alien to the ecologies it encounters. What Katz is talking about are instances of the former, where we are trying to redress some artificial notion of "balance" that we derived from the observations of a particular state which the system has already transited away from. You could say that he is criticising empty ecological nostalgia, which is fair enough I suppose, but it doesn't really get us anywhere.
  4. Standing with your feet apart, abdominals tensed, and your back straight, hold a dumbell in your left hand and put your right hand on the base of your skull. Keeping your arm straight, lean over to the left until you feel the stretch in the muscles on your right side. Recover in reverse and repeat, then do a set on the other side. Ace.
  5. And if I earned my living writing for Il Manifesto, I probably would too. It doesn't mean I'd believe everything I had written, and even if it did it would not make me untrustworthy.
  6. Assuming of course that the previous past can't be both the same and different
  7. What we all need to bear in mind is one can make the argument that mankind messing about with habitats etc is ecologically no different to any other species interacting with them.
  8. I suspect what he means is that replacing an ecosystem does not stop or revoke the consequences of the prior interruption, which is entirely true. What the ramifications of that are for restoration projects, in terms of how useful they are, is somewhat subjective.
  9. Why no links to related articles? Well... yeah. That's all fairly obvious. Let's not pretend though that shooting someone even by accident is "okay" - the fact that one can avoid legal consequences does not actually mean that one is absolved of responsibility for one's own actions. The fact that she works for what you describe as a "communist-oriented newspaper" does not mean she is a communist, supports communism, or shares any communist beliefs. And even if she was a communist, you can't seriously expect us to accept that makes her less likely to be deliberately shot at by American troops. Disappointed by yet another "antiwar = commie, and commie = untrustworthy" thread. You probably didn't intend it to be that, but that's what it'll turn into.
  10. I have been doing a maths course as part of my current BSc, and the only thing that challenged me so far was validating rearrangements of the limits on the feasible area in a linear regression programming problem. And that was only because it's explained in a craptastic way. So I think I'll be working through these threads again too!
  11. We've been over this subject oh god so many times. I really wish people would search before starting new threads. ...except that we can.
  12. What has your opinion of chess got to do with showing whether psychology is an art or a science?
  13. Not really. It tends to conjure up nothing more than inflexible logic. The only half-decent paradox in time travel is the grandfather paradox, and that's not even a real paradox.
  14. Or maybe just form a queue and ask him to stop spamming our site.
  15. We've had this before. It was crap then and it's still crap now.
  16. Sayonara

    Best Pet?

    As long as you pick the right species, they're very easy to look after. Spiders are a leeetle bit fussier than scorpions, and more likely to make a break for freedom.
  17. Since ID makes no predictions, that would simply shift the burden of proof to the question of whether or not it was "the" intelligent designer.
  18. Probably not what you are after, but you may find these interesting (and may even be expected to come across them in your research): http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/014043531X/104-6628655-4226314
  19. It would be interesting to find out exactly what that piggy behaviour was all about.
  20. How many times is this going to get posted...?
  21. He didn't "change the world" in the sense that it needed him to make the changes. Jobs and Wozniak seemed to do all right without him. The KBE is in recognition of the work and money that he has ploughed into combating disease and poverty, via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  22. Actually it was a KBE' date=' and he can't use the title 'Sir' as he is not British. However he [i']can[/i] call himself "Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire", should he wish to.
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