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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I logged in with my Athens id, but their site says my "subscription does not entitle me to that resource".
  2. It was probably ill when I got it. That makes them stressed out, which compounds the problem in several ways.
  3. Nobody is really exactly sure what happened and why, except for Demosthenes and Saddam. What are the chances of that?
  4. Bow down before OMEGA, quarky heathens!
  5. I am unfortunately required to report the passing on of the scorpion formerly known as "Slim Shady". The coroner's report lists "persistant fasting, due to being a skinny and nervous nancy" as the cause of death. Which is odd, because the buggers are meant to aestivate in times of food stress.
  6. Sayonara


    Not so much, but over the past two days it seems everyone I have discussed things with has been playing Twisty Turny Odd Replies.
  7. Who said we shouldn't? Personally, I hope very much the USA and UK go after Mugabe next. Although maybe this time we won't make such a mess.
  8. You are confusing characteristic and identity.
  9. We call it a shadow for convenience. The shadow is actually the umbra and penumbra cast by the object that the light is hitting. The darker area described on a given surface, what we call a "shadow" in conversational terms, is a projection onto that surface.
  10. They aren't two-dimensional because they describe a volume, not because they "aren't objects". The two-dimensional "image" (for want of a better term) you see of yourself on the ground is not a shadow - it's the area of intersection between your shadow and the ground. The intersection is a Boolean union, +ground -shadow. Imagine cutting an apple in half, putting it flat-surface-down on a piece of paper, and drawing around it. Now shade in the outline you just drew. For extra marks, invite someone else to tell you how many dimensions your apple has, while pointing at the drawing.
  11. Sayonara


    Good lord. Someone actually answered a question in a direct and meaningful fashion. Cheers.
  12. Not sure. I don't really know that much detail about the mucous membranes.
  13. Not just on the ground - they describe a volume.
  14. Perhaps because the mucous membrane is contorted by the muscles that close the lids of your eyes, and that squeezes out every last drop. Exactly why that doesn't happen during a 'day yawn' is more of a poser
  15. Ah, right. That old chestnut. It rather depends on your view of the digestive and synthesis processes in the case of animals, since protein that goes in to the body (for example) is generally used to make proteins, and so on. One could make the argument that a plant is essentially an energy->matter converter, but that would mean its water requirement, and the need for carbon (which is taken from the air, in gaseous form), both have to be ignored.
  16. Presumably, the mucus membranes around our eyes gradually evaporate off their moisture content on exposure to air. Tiredness could affect your ability to replenish them at the same rate, leading to periods of dryness followed by periods of squishiness.
  17. There's a thread on shadow dimensionality here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7243
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