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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. If it was not recorded in the proper fashion, it doesn't matter to us now if they did or didn't.
  2. Ignore it - I misinterpreted post #17.
  3. Yes, it's that "ex-pat" in there that's causing problems. I suspect it means "people who don't live in Iraq any more" rather than ex-citizens.
  4. Gah. It's not in the search results for "eye nerve" or "human eye", and a search for "eye" returns 16 pages of threads.
  5. Out of curiosity, or to continue the redundant criticism? If the former, I seem to recall there was an excellent description of the process in another thread. I will try to find it.
  6. Hmmm. The Beeb call them "ex-pat voters", but don't really expand on that: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4214357.stm
  7. I suppose that depends on the level at which you want to study the mechanisms.
  8. Sounds like a bad installer or crappy media. Wait for 10 to finish downloading; it's much better anyway.
  9. If you have dual-citizenship, you can vote in both countries. That's not really unusual - it's just the way it has been reported.
  10. It's complex because the people we are killing are not all terrorists. We do not have carte blanche to label whomever we please as terrorists and then shoot them, and one could quite easily make the argument that the coalition is supporting an illegitimate rebel coup (and like we've never done that before).
  11. It's fairly inevitable, given the heat death of the universe. We've done this before.
  12. The reason nobody is going to give him specifics is not just because he could use it to do harm, but because anybody else could read the thread and abuse the information - we lose control of the information once it is posted and spidered, but remain accountable. Therefore his levels of skill and dedication are largely irrelevant. The same policy is used on any other computer forum worth its salt (try http://www.codingforums.com as an example).
  13. There are people who are immune and/or resistant to HIV. Progress is slow.
  14. We are veering off dangerously down the "let's turn another thread into war on Iraq soap-boxing" road guys.
  15. I don't see how, seeing as that particular bigotry is a form of racism. You could lump all the mentally ill together into a "race" and make the claim that anti-mental-illnessism is a form of racism, and therefore that the two examples were equally comparable to homophobia, but that would be pushing the envelope a little.
  16. Because if syntax252 is proposing that we are in Iraq to save American lives (which, incidentally, completely misses the point of this thread) then that is a critical question; if one only compares the deaths of Americans due to Iraqi terrorism over the past... ooh, say decade, with the US death toll so far in Iraq over the past 10 months, the significance is obvious.
  17. Don't you think the situation merits further analysis, given its complexity? I think the people who get shot dead probably would, if they got the chance.
  18. I'm sorry, but that's irrelevant to this discussion.
  19. Bear in mind that you are talking about a country that has overthrown its government with the help of foreign invaders.
  20. Please show that the nature of the difference is equivalent in terms of symptoms, pathology, and prognosis.
  21. Like Phi said, it was more a correction of knowledge. So that was Lance's assumption, not yours. I did wonder how specific you were being. The issue of bum sex safety was discussed in 'Sanctity of Marriage', as was its irrelevance to the morality of gay couples, for anyone who cares. Oh yeah, I can see that being popular. Run! Run from the fascists.
  22. In that case, surely you'd prefer to support removal of troops from Iraq, since that is cheaper and less risky?
  23. BTW, his (known) aliases are philbo1965uk, Artorius, and Spaceman.
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