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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Would this be the post where you claimed that your language is degenerating compared to ours?
  2. I wasn't giving that as an answer - it was pedantry at work.
  3. He quite clearly called it "pre-beta", which is what an alpha build is. As for bud's question, those are obviously the name/company entries he gave when he installed it.
  4. I was going to say "don't overlook the people who buy the components and build their own", but of course most people in that category spend as much as they can on gfx cards. A lot of package retailers like Tiny, PC World etc sell sub-standard components, and it's their customers who will be worst off.
  5. Huh? I was pointing that out to ed, who felt okay with posting the info but didn't credit his source.
  6. I think it was very mean of them not to make XP that shiny. Apparently Longhorn will require a gfx card that's better than entry-level, so as far as our pretty desktops go it might not have the impact we'd expect for a while (although this will just help drive Moore's Law in the end, so who cares?) http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/01/13/2351247&tid=201
  7. Isn't it parallelogram?
  8. How should I know? It's your crazy brain.
  9. Yes, it's possible; you can buy headphones that do that.
  10. What is spelled "color"? If you mean in American English, then yeah. Fine. Spell it with fiften ks and a million fs if you want.
  11. No, we aren't like algae, because algae haven't made a legally binding agreement with the sea. Please don't interfere with random assumptions about Google's business processes.
  12. The next incarnation of Windows OS. Please try to use google instead of hijacking threads with posts that begin "wtf is..."
  13. Yeah, like that'll work. If google want to find naughty people, they'll search their cache, not the web.
  14. You are trying to explain the analogy by changing it.
  15. Ha. My reasoning would be partly the same as yours (although with more specific conditions), and partly that immortal species would accumulate evolutionarily unfit genetic problems (even assuming a single immortal generation was responsible for all reproduction.)
  16. I was thinking we were talking about an entire biome that's immortal, since many resources affecting K for one species will affect K for species within the same community. If we're just talking about one immortal genus, then I don't see why K should be any more of a problem than it is for your average mortal genus.
  17. Yes, but nobody's going to write all the code to do that just so that your sig can compromise this application's security.
  18. Toni: no religious opining in science threads pls ta.
  19. http://www.ccleaner.com/ Enjoy.
  20. What the variables represent in a = dv/dt should be fairly obvious. Thread closed for obvious jackassery.
  21. What makes you say it would be intra-specific?
  22. This is a thread for people's favourite quotes (i.e. ones that exist), not political statements or personal social commentary. End of.
  23. The rubber sheet analogy isn't supposed to involve actual forces, which is why it's an analogy. The idea is that mass always moves towards the sheet (and it doesn't really matter why). So a ball "under" it will move in the opposite direction to a ball on top of it. Where that ball "is" in spatial terms, though, is anyone's guess.
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