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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The user group management is not very well thought out, and there is no support for default groups (yet- this is planned for the next version). The permissions sytem is a right mess. You can't pick members from a list, so unless you can alter properties by group you have to type their names in one by one and make changes. Et cetera.
  2. It removes the post from general view, but mods can see an audit trail including the reason for deletion.
  3. I'll work on the style tomorrow - it took me a while to configure the [acr=Content Management System]CMS[/acr] the way I wanted it. Still got a glitch or two to iron out!
  4. http://nogods.co.uk/ Still being tweaked but it's essentially ready to go. I'm looking for regular contributors who can write a couple of hundred objective words every 1-2 weeks, and the occasional larger article, on issues relating to [acr=Intellectual Property Rights]IPR[/acr], piracy, and so forth. As compensation for your time you'll receive solid gold replacements for your legs, and a house brick.
  5. The idea is that a laser in the handle is focused into an extremely tight arc by an array of crystals (imagine a line on a graph where the value pairs for X:Y are 1:1 - 2:10,000 - 3:1) and fed back into the handle. Afaik nobody has ever attempted to explain that.
  6. ...let's not forget your posts that were soft-deleted or moved to the hidden forum Those weren't counted either.
  7. Banter, mud-slinging, fine line.
  8. As long as you keep phpBB up-to-date, it's safer than most. HOWEVER it gets exponentially more difficult to manage as you get more members.
  9. Did I say you were off-topic, or did I say the thread was off-topic? The mode of action is the way in which the weapon (whether it be a projectile, concussive force or energy) actually does its damage. The method of deployment is simply how the weapon is delivered to the field of battle (e.g. passive drop, directed thrust, computer-guided flight etc.)
  10. Hopefully it will stop getting more dense when they want it to, and not when it feels like it.
  11. Anybody else posting the Missing Dollar or Einstein's Riddle will be shot.
  12. That's not really fair, seeing as Australia have strict immigration policies for everyone.
  13. Absolutely nothing other than getting his name on a good film. No. It's a Chinese film about China, made in China by Chinese people. No idea what Tarantino is up to, but he probably thinks he's opening the door for Asian cinema
  14. Given my earlier posts regarding the suitability of shields to different weapons, and those that dealt with projectile weapons and evasion of the same (read: not shields), I can only assume that neither of you can read. Edward, you are confusing method of deployment with mode of action.
  15. "Hero" is not a Quentin Tarantino film. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299977/
  16. I read somewhere that she's pretty much entitled to all the rights for The Matrix, and R&R. So "everything" ought to cover it. Since they made every effort to tie in the plots of all the extra bits like Enter the Matrix, the Animatrix etc, for profitability, it would not surprise me if she can claim that's hers too.
  17. http://www.sayonara.info/blog/archives/2004/12/the_matrix_was.php
  18. The funny part is that the Wachowskis won't be seeing the profits.
  19. Multiple accounts are not allowed. Pick one.
  20. I seriously doubt that such a membrane is envisioned as being a part of our three dimensional view of things.
  21. Yes, however the point of having such shields is to ensure that your capacity for avoiding or absorbing the damage they cause is not contingent on their method of deployment.
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