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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Not quite what I mean. The problem with the current worm generation is that many spread themselves port-to-port, rather than relying on user actions (like opening an infected attachment). So if you're infected due to a vulnerability that ought to have been patched, and you remove the virus, you just get infected again within seconds.
  2. That's not true. Nimda, Slammer etc will reinfect a connected computer far faster than you can install and run antivirus software. Clearly if Primarygun's computer has taken a hit, he doesn't have the requisite defenses and will need to install them.
  3. I don't seem to be able to save it via crappy WinNT/IE5.5 at work.
  4. Ah but Webster is the devil, so you may find a proper dictionary that supports your position on it.
  5. For the first rule, it doesn't say that - it points out Jesus as an exception. Ignoring the exceptions however, you rightly point out that I have omitted to fully clarify apostrophes since the two uses of 's are more confusing than I suggested. That looks like a good site, and I will be reading it later
  6. No, but it will stop it reinfecting your system before you've had time to figure out what's happening.
  7. "Angelfire does not allow direct linking from offsite, non-Angelfire pages, to files hosted on Angelfire. This practice of 'remote linking' reduces our ability to serve out the homepages of our members quickly and efficiently."
  8. Commonly Confused Words Fewer - used for discrete units. E.g. "There were fewer explosions while YT was away." Less - used for continuous measures. E.g. "There is less confusion when we say what we mean." Of - belonging to (a thing or collection), or characteristic. E.g. "This is the first of many", "Of course we all knew that." Off - the opposite of "on". E.g. "Get off my land or I'll shoot you with this gun." There - a location, or an event descriptor. E.g. "The quote button is over there", "There were many posts today." Their - belonging to them. E.g. "Their posts are improving steadily." They're - contraction of 'they are'. E.g. "They're all out for the full moon." Your - belonging to you. E.g. "Your avatar gives me epileptic fits." You're - contraction of 'you are'. E.g. "You're driving me nuts." To - towards a location or time, or an event driver. E.g. "Let's all go to the moon", "It is five to three", "Blike is installing a module to explode trolls' computers." Too - as well as. E.g. "I want to come too." Two - the number 2. E.g. "We have two hours left." Its - belonging to it. E.g. "We didn't see its hidden context until it was too late." Unusual since apostrophes usually indicate the possessive - this form is an exception because of the following: It's - contraction of 'it is'. E.g. "It's time to get jiggy with it." Defence - the action of defending something. E.g. "Aardvark's defence of the United Nations was tongue-in-cheek." Defense - the mechanism of defending something. E.g. "Tesseract used a field of defensive mines to slow down the killbots." Decent - good or wholesome. E.g. "That's a decent screen-saver." Descent - the act of descending. E.g. "After 10,000 feet we slowed and began our descent." Lose - the act of losing. E.g. "Extrasense was doomed to lose the debate." Loose - the condition of not being tight. E.g. "Loose political morals allowed the party to gain votes." Choose - to pick from two or more alternatives. E.g. "You must choose your own clothes today, Eric." Chose - the past tense of the verb "to choose", used for all declensions (i.e. I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they). E.g. "They chose that path, and look where it ended." Of and Have - the former is often used where the latter should be. E.g. "They would have been here sooner" is correct, whereas "They would of been here sooner" is not. Affect and Effect - Added 18th Dec. Affect and effect are often confused as they have similar meanings and spellings. An effect is a change that has been caused. Its secondary meaning is as a verb - to effect X is to 'bring about X'. E.g. "The most noticeable effect was the general improvement in posts", "On the whole, the grammar nazi rant effected a change for the better." An affect, on the other hand, is now only really a noun in psychology. In general English usage it is a verb, and is the action of causing change (compare this with the meaning of 'effect' - the relationship is much like that between 'defence' and 'defense'. One word is for the action, the other is for the mechanism itself.) E.g. "Sayo hoped that his explanations would affect many posters." Woman - a female human. E.g. "Daisy is a woman." Women - more than one female human. E.g. "All of the women are tired of this mistake." Misused Punctuation ' (apostrophe) - used to signify contraction or possession. If it is not contracted or possessive, you do not use an apostrophe. Blike's site: The site belongs to Blike. Because his name does not end with an s, apostrophe is added, then an s. Jesus' ducks: The ducks belong to Jesus. Because his name ends with an s and is an ancient proper name, the apostrophe is simply added. This is sometimes expressed as "Jesus's", which actually implies the contraction of "Jesus is" due to English's wacky rules. Marcus's duck gun: The duck gun belongs to Marcus. Marcus is not an ancient proper name (like Jesus, Moses, Achilles etc) so it is usual to add 's to indicate possession. The meaning here is determind by context, since "Marcus is duck gun" would make little sense. The duck's friend: The friend of the duck. The apostrophe comes before the s, as there is only one duck. The ducks' friend: The friend of the ducks. The apostrophe AFTER the s indicates there is more than one duck. The plurality of the friend/s is not relevant. Contraction: When contracting words, the apostrophe takes the place of the characters that have been dropped. Thus "did'nt" and "Ill" are incorrect - they should be "didn't" (did not) and "I'll" (I will) respectively. . (period, full stop) - used to indicate the end of a sentence. Under usual circumstances this is self-explanatory. However, if a sentence ends with a closing parenthesis or closing quotation mark, the period should be within that punctuation. The same is true of exclamation points and question marks. E.g. When I was in the IRC channel, I heard Dave say maths was "the best thing ever." (Of course, we all know better. Perhaps he just forgot chocolate?) ! (exclamation point) - indicates emphasis and replaces the period at the end of a sentence. Should only be used once per sentence under any circumstances. E.g. "One exclamation point should be enough to indicate urgency!" "Glider has been rescuing lost puppies again (he eats them!)" Words that do not Exist Responce, Sence - these are spelled "response" and "sense" respectively. Alot - written as "a lot", because they are separate words. Rediculous - spelled "ridiculous" by all the cool kids.
  9. Try disconnecting from the net, then booting up and running your antivirus. You might have that "keep making XP reboot" virus, which spreads to uninfected machines over the net within seconds of them booting up.
  10. You're going to have to provide better information than that. When does it restart? How far into the booting process does it get? Is there a bluescreen or error message? And so on.
  11. It's not true. Just one of "transporter" or "cloak" on its own would be pushing the envelope even now, never mind in the 1940s.
  12. Sayonara

    Help Plzzzzzzzzz

    Forums are an asynchronous form of communication. You may have to wait for responses.
  13. Sayonara

    Our Origins

    You're placing requirements on religious belief that we don't place on scientific belief.
  14. Would an alchemist in the middle ages know about haemoglobin? I doubt it.
  15. I would call anything within the next century "the near future" for a project like this.
  16. JRE is the Java Runtime Environment, and J2RE is the Java 2 Runtime Environment. You want to be using J2RE unless you have any specific reason not to (i.e. if you need support for deprecated features).
  17. If you're going to claim "people post anywhere anyway" you can't also have "if the right forum is there they'll use it". I appreciate the idea of having a forum for every science, but it's just not worth the time or effort when we have 5 environmental science threads and 3 on electronics (or whatever it happens to be). There were far more threads than that in the forums we got rid of, and they were still more trouble than they were worth.
  18. No, but the point is that it has to be worth setting a precedent. It's not that it will require more mods, it's that modding becomes more difficult. I don't see what you are basing that on. It does matter, because the fewer categories there are the greater the chances of random rightness. I'm not saying it's bad to have more categories - I'm saying the benefits need to outweigh the drawbacks.
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