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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I'm against execution because killing people is wrong, which is pretty much all the reasoning one needs.
  2. I am not knocking panspermia (which' date=' I am fairly certain, [u']does[/u] require the arrival on Earth of biotic matter - there is no life or precursor that would survive planetary condensation), I am knocking the idea of exogenesis from a point extrasolar source. I have no opinion either way on panspermia, for the record. Directed panspermia is - in fact - a good way to get around the infinitesimal odds problem.
  3. This is what I've been asking, and not yet had a satisfactory response. We should not start by questioning whether or not arguments against the death penalty are valid, but by questioning why it is necessary to begin with.
  4. Sayonara

    MP3 or RAM

    http://www.cclonline.com/product-info.asp?product_id=193&category_id=107&manufacturer_id=0 Cheapest I can find with a quick search. Looks like the prices have risen again slightly - they are always oscillating with RAM but the general trend is downwards.
  5. I'm going to go back to "I'm not sure I follow", because this is not looking very consistent.
  6. 1. Hurrah for that, hurrah for you! 2. Well that's just not go-- I can't talk I suppose. 3. You're crazy.
  7. My point was pretty much exactly that, but you are seeing it from the point of view of Earth's chances of being hit as being "just as good" as any other body. I'm not disputing that at all - Earth is nothing special in floating rock terms. What I am saying is that the chances of Earth being hit by life-bearing extrasolar masses are infinitesimal, just as they are for any other planetary body in any other large star system. If an object somewhere in the universe is suddenly accelerated, the chances of it arriving in our solar system are somewhat remote. Assume it does, however: the chances of it then avoiding Jupiter's gravity well, the sun, the asteroid belt, the Kuiper belts, or just shooting straight out of the system again, and instead hitting Earth, are also somewhat remote. The chances of any extrasolar object that makes it to Earth just happening to be from a body that supported life or prelife, or carrying organic compounds that could trigger life, any and all of which are required to have survived a trip of millions of years duration through goodness knows what harsh conditions, are also pretty slim. Put that all together with the added requirement that this must all take place within a window of around 6 billion years (at the most), and it doesn't seem very likely at all. That's not actually based on anything. You are embellishing supposition with speculation.
  8. 'sup homey 1) Are you back online properly now? 2) Where is the TTD movie? 3) Why do you have 3 firefox windows?
  9. I would have used -> in the last two
  10. Believe me, the price of 1Gb sticks will fall long before my system needs that much. Shhh... don't encourage the Martian.
  11. Which I had thought I highlighted quite well in post #10.
  12. Don't forget retail mark-up.
  13. Sayonara

    MP3 or RAM

    How can you buy an MP3 player for the same price as 512Mb RAM? Half-gig sticks are about £40 right now.
  14. Now that would be an interesting study. I'm afraid I'd have to know who he is in order to remember him
  15. The GMT line in London is illuminated at night by a whopping great green laser. Very pretty.
  16. In assembler, a "Word" is 8 bits long. (Or it used to be anyway; newer computers use 32 or 64 bits. But basically it's how many bits have been read.)
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