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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I should certainly hope the experimenter would choose an appropriate unit, yes.
  2. You're telling me. Errr... ok. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
  3. "There might be an escape from prison" is an argument for improving the prison system's processes, not for state-sanctioned murder.
  4. Suppose it depends if you're making apple turnover, or gelignite.
  5. That just means they wouldn't trail coconuts on a bit of stem.
  6. That's correct - life being seeded on Earth explains how the Terran evolutionary branch began, but it simply shifts the explanation of how life per se started somewhere else. Considering how old the signs of life are on Earth, and the remote chances of a life-bearing object hitting the planet, then adding on the travel time of that object plus the time needed for life to arise on its body of origin, I think the idea that life was seeded here by one impact (or a shower of impacts) is even less likely than life simply arising here to begin with.
  7. Amazingly, this simple premise makes it your best irony thread yet.
  8. A "part" is arbitrary. You can assign any unit you want. E.g. - for "4 parts x, 3 parts y", you might choose to mix 4ml of x and 3ml of y.
  9. Sayonara

    Free ipod?

    You will always know someone who has one (or more likely, someone who knows someone). What these people do is give away 1000 iPods, and leave the site open forever building up a nice list of email addresses to sell. Come on, get with it. Who is going to give away an iPod to anyone who asks?
  10. What I mean is that there is no speculation over whether or not UFOs exist.
  11. Looks to me like he's demonstrating a layer of complexity that you dismissed. How ironic.
  12. Just a small point - a UFOs are "unidentified fying objects", which certainly exist. I take it the phenomenon you're talking about is 'flying saucers'?
  13. Must... restrain... self... from pointing out the... obvious mistake... ARGH!
  14. There is a slight difference between those two - xenobiology would apply to the study of previously unknown life found on Earth, and exobiology would not.
  15. It's called exobiology, or "astrobiology" if you're feeling a bit excitable.
  16. Replication is not the same as cloning. Make your mind up what you are talking about. Well quite.
  17. Even assuming he could go faster than light (which he can't do), he wouldn't arrive before he left. A speed > C must be positive, as must the distance travelled in this instance. The result is that the time taken for the journey will be a positive value since t = D/S.
  18. It won't be much of a debate - look at the WHO web site some time. Cloning food will use more resources than just growing it conventionally.
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