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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Thread created and stuck. I basically split it off from this one.
  2. Yes, but the ever-resourceful "don't understand? Then just make something up" grapevine decided a long time ago that the reason doctors advised against it was that it has toxic/stimulatory/barbiturate/hallucinatory/orgasmatronic* effects. * delete as applicable.
  3. Everyone involved in making, popularising or broadcasting that program should be shot.
  4. Atinymonkey just raised the point that the post my above quote refers to makes it look like I am dismissing the negative effects of aspirin on the kidneys and liver. In actual fact I was talking about the myth that it gets you high, and just quoted really carelessly. To summarise: aspirin + alcohol won't get you high, and it isn't a terribly healthy thing to do.
  5. "Something + Something = nothing" is not a paradox.
  6. I was replying to rakuenso, who labelled it as benign. Identified and treated, maybe. But that's because the intervention prevents it from acting, not because it's any less dangerous.
  7. Yes, but that doesn't excuse people mindlessly parrotting the same crap at us under the mistaken belief that they are dispensing good information when in fact they didn't undrstand what they were told in the first place, and then defending it to the hilt when told they are wrong despite having nothing to back it up with other than "Steve told me, on that TV program". Can you feel the bitterness?
  8. True, but that's an influence of the vendor rather than a property of coffee.
  9. This has probably emerged from a convoluted chinese whispers style misinterpretation of why someone's doctor told them not to drink while on antibiotics.
  10. Or you could just look at the label. I wish there was some international law (with hideous consequences, preferably) against claiming tea has more caffeine than coffee.
  11. "to explore of what the human brain - as it is - is capable of", as you put it. What has that got to do with anything?
  12. First, you're inferring that there isn't any such research going on, yet there is and it has been in progress for quite some time. Second, there's no reason why we should choose between one or the other.
  13. Probably - reinventor of the wheel, sounds like him. Do a search for him on http://www.theregister.co.uk - they have an entertaining history of coverage on his escapades (expect bias).
  14. Only the carnivorous plants are consumers - pitcher plants, Venus fly traps, bladder worts, sundews etc.
  15. Isn't that a peculiarity of Plato, rather than a peculiarity of mathematics?
  16. Because it's an RC plane that just looks like a lawnmower. http://www.flyingthingz.com/
  17. I was under the impression that syphilis still causes severe damage to the heart, brain, eyes, nervous system, bones, and joints in a third of sufferers. When did it change its pathology?
  18. I just saw the title of this thread in "new posts" and had a mental image of you blasting off in a home made rocket. Eject blike! Eject!
  19. Kevin Warwick is first and foremost a self publicist. His "cyborg adaptations" have included a chip that went under the skin of his arm and didn't actually do anything (this was some considerable time after we started using subdermal RFID chips to identify animals), and a third hand & wrist that was basically strapped on to his forearm. If you're already on your way to google, I urge you to look for proper cybernetics researchers instead.
  20. For my part, I was not so much asking you questions as pointing out the holes in your arguments. Except for "Does it not occur to you that the accuracy of the planned descent in such an underpowered craft as a command module is going to be strongly related to the gravitational field of the body it is landing on?" That was a rehtorical question, and another way of saying "Deorbiting to the Earth's surface is going to be a lot trickier than deorbiting to the moon's surface, because the gravitational pull is six times stronger." You also have to consider that the fluid properties of the Earth's atmosphere will affect the descent of the module. It's not a terribly aerodynamic vehicle.
  21. Ranitidine hydrochloride is an anti-histamine. It has a competitive inhibitory effect at the histamine action location. Another advantage is that it does not lower serum Ca++, which you really want to keep an eye on in the case of scorpion envenomation. Anaphylaxis resulting from injected ranitidine hydrochloride is rare, and from oral it's almost unheard of. The problem with diphenhydramine (the main constituent of Benadryl) is that it's main side-effects include anaphylactic shock, palpitations, excitation and urinary retention; all of which you want to avoid because if you're in a position where you need an anti-histamine, it's because the venom is already causing those effects.
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