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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Stuck my hand in. They aren't big enough to leap for my throat yet
  2. Someone has to pay for the internet connection to the Deserted Island. How did you change your title btw?
  3. Someone has to pay for the internet connection to the Deserted Island. How did you change your title btw?
  4. Oh for the love of... The Idiot is stuck again. Scrabble scrabble scrabble. I'm going to have to move the hide, which will no doubt freak out the two underneath it.
  5. Oh for the love of... The Idiot is stuck again. Scrabble scrabble scrabble. I'm going to have to move the hide, which will no doubt freak out the two underneath it.
  6. Sayonara


    Enslave is such a dramatic term.
  7. Sayonara


    Enslave is such a dramatic term.
  8. We wouldn't care that each point on the surface is no longer equidistant from the center, because the surface is topologically the same form. However while this is mathematically correct I am not sure it is the most appropriate way to approach the question. But then I'm not a mathematician
  9. We wouldn't care that each point on the surface is no longer equidistant from the center, because the surface is topologically the same form. However while this is mathematically correct I am not sure it is the most appropriate way to approach the question. But then I'm not a mathematician
  10. To be honest I think that's doing them credit. They do have an unusual eye arrangement though - median eyes in the middle of the carapace, like a spider, with lateral eye groups to the front left and right. Kind of like an eye triangle. Apparently they also have strange slit-like sensors in their legs, which are pressure sensitive, along with a host of other sensory apparatus. They must have a complex nervous system to cross-process everything they pick up, but then they are one of the oldest arachnids. I can see one now - I think it's The Idiot. Looks like a male. You say "only", but it is one of the largest species. Lengths of 30cm are uncommon but not unknown I bought mine from the web site of a pet shop in Southampton, UK. It was £15 for three juveniles (special offer), or £13 for an adult. So I went for the "make sure they haven't been conditioned to be psychotic by watching them develop yourself" approach. My set up is: 18" L x 10" W x 6" H plastic terrarium with tight-fitting lid and dividing wall (they like a small space when they're young, so they can have the extra space when they grow up - also good to have a compartment full of damp sphagnum for the humidity). An 8" x 5" heating pad, which sticks to the bottom of the terrarium. This is covering half of the terrarium so that there is a cool area and a warm area (cold blooded, so they need to be able to regulate their own temp.) Pine chip substrate - shallow on the heated side and getting deeper on the cool side, so they can burrow. A large cork bark hide, half in each temp. zone. Water pool thingy, and copious quantities of damp sphagnum moss. The humidity is meant to be kept at about 80% by giving them a quick spray every now and then but I have no idea how to monitor the levels. Any ideas? Right now they are feeding on crickets, but they will basically devour any non-pungent creature that crosses their path, up to a third or even a half of their own size. Some even eat mice or lizards. Behold another of my crappy paint diagrams!
  11. To be honest I think that's doing them credit. They do have an unusual eye arrangement though - median eyes in the middle of the carapace, like a spider, with lateral eye groups to the front left and right. Kind of like an eye triangle. Apparently they also have strange slit-like sensors in their legs, which are pressure sensitive, along with a host of other sensory apparatus. They must have a complex nervous system to cross-process everything they pick up, but then they are one of the oldest arachnids. I can see one now - I think it's The Idiot. Looks like a male. You say "only", but it is one of the largest species. Lengths of 30cm are uncommon but not unknown I bought mine from the web site of a pet shop in Southampton, UK. It was £15 for three juveniles (special offer), or £13 for an adult. So I went for the "make sure they haven't been conditioned to be psychotic by watching them develop yourself" approach. My set up is: 18" L x 10" W x 6" H plastic terrarium with tight-fitting lid and dividing wall (they like a small space when they're young, so they can have the extra space when they grow up - also good to have a compartment full of damp sphagnum for the humidity). An 8" x 5" heating pad, which sticks to the bottom of the terrarium. This is covering half of the terrarium so that there is a cool area and a warm area (cold blooded, so they need to be able to regulate their own temp.) Pine chip substrate - shallow on the heated side and getting deeper on the cool side, so they can burrow. A large cork bark hide, half in each temp. zone. Water pool thingy, and copious quantities of damp sphagnum moss. The humidity is meant to be kept at about 80% by giving them a quick spray every now and then but I have no idea how to monitor the levels. Any ideas? Right now they are feeding on crickets, but they will basically devour any non-pungent creature that crosses their path, up to a third or even a half of their own size. Some even eat mice or lizards. Behold another of my crappy paint diagrams!
  12. It will be a cookie problem.
  13. It will be a cookie problem.
  14. You're talking about the radio window. Our communications technology has advanced beyond radio - we are beginning to use fibre optics and highly focused microwave beams as a preferential means of mass communication. The "fade out" of radio waves actually refers to them dropping off at the source - the ones we have already broadcast are still out there. There's no real reason to believe another civilisation would even use radio waves (other than the assumption that their progress through the derivation of physical laws would take the same route as ours), never mind use them for a longer or shorter period than us, so I doubt it affects our chances of finding any that significantly.
  15. You're talking about the radio window. Our communications technology has advanced beyond radio - we are beginning to use fibre optics and highly focused microwave beams as a preferential means of mass communication. The "fade out" of radio waves actually refers to them dropping off at the source - the ones we have already broadcast are still out there. There's no real reason to believe another civilisation would even use radio waves (other than the assumption that their progress through the derivation of physical laws would take the same route as ours), never mind use them for a longer or shorter period than us, so I doubt it affects our chances of finding any that significantly.
  16. God no. Strictly ornamental Now they have got over being mailed across the country in a box, they are starting to show a bit of personality. One (I *think* it's the one that actually caught prey items) is sitting just under the edge of the hide, in the warm zone, with his claws sticking out as if to say "please sir, can I have some more?" Another just went for an explore. It was quite funny. Method: Scorpion B is going to investigate the tank a bit. Result: Climb climb. Ooh, a plastic wall. How to get around this obstacle? I know. Scrabble scrabble. Great, now I'm stuck between the wall and the hide. How am I going to get out of this? I know. Scrabble scrabble. Oh yeah. Help! At this point I had to intervene and free the idiot creature. Hurrah! Now to explore by running around the hide and back under it, where I will resume doing nothing.
  17. God no. Strictly ornamental Now they have got over being mailed across the country in a box, they are starting to show a bit of personality. One (I *think* it's the one that actually caught prey items) is sitting just under the edge of the hide, in the warm zone, with his claws sticking out as if to say "please sir, can I have some more?" Another just went for an explore. It was quite funny. Method: Scorpion B is going to investigate the tank a bit. Result: Climb climb. Ooh, a plastic wall. How to get around this obstacle? I know. Scrabble scrabble. Great, now I'm stuck between the wall and the hide. How am I going to get out of this? I know. Scrabble scrabble. Oh yeah. Help! At this point I had to intervene and free the idiot creature. Hurrah! Now to explore by running around the hide and back under it, where I will resume doing nothing.
  18. Then the answer can only be "both" or "neither", since if the ball is blue, then the reflected light must be in a wavelength that corresponds to that colour. I am of course supposing that the topology and range of wavelength arguments are vaguely analagous for spheres and colour respectively
  19. Then the answer can only be "both" or "neither", since if the ball is blue, then the reflected light must be in a wavelength that corresponds to that colour. I am of course supposing that the topology and range of wavelength arguments are vaguely analagous for spheres and colour respectively
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