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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Surely you mean "the observable evidence", rather than "conventional wisdom"?
  2. See, the difference here is that I have invested a great deal of time discussing and debating different philosophies and religions with the members here, as can be seen in the Religion and Philosophy section, whereas you have made three posts (two of which have no relevant content) and provide no reference material or credentials to confirm your ability to provide the information you offer. So comparing me to yourself as a "random internet person" would be fallacious. Good to see that you have removed your e-mail address from your post though. There's no reason to voluntarily feed spam bots.
  3. Not quite what you were after, I know, but it's pretty useful side information.
  4. Why search the internet when you can just search this site? Some info here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4653
  5. I will ignore the arrogance of proclaiming the web, which is a British invention and an international forum, to be the Fifty-First State, and simply remind you that censorship has nothing to do with Free Speech.
  6. So many levels of "no" I'm afraid.
  7. The society in Big Brother wasn't really famous for distributing accurate information.
  8. This is essentially a request to write an entire mod for VB. I'm not sure anyone who can actually do that has the time - I know I don't.
  9. They run on Linux. He didn't become the richest man in the universe by paying for things.
  10. Change password, report the strange activity. If Hotmail have any clue they will treat it seriously. If they don't, use another service.
  11. That's not an argument against smoking, it's an argument for more careful smoking. There are plenty of smokers - like myself - who go to extraordinary lengths to not expose non-smokers or unknowns to what is essentially a harmful side effect of their own adiction.
  12. What about resistance to abiotic effects, such as UV light or extremes of temperature? Are those not pressures for natural selection?
  13. Why would anyone send an email to a random internet person on the basis of some randomly strung-together sentences, and reasonably expect to get "the answer" to anything important?
  14. Sayonara


    What's the mathematical description for a projection?
  15. No, but the cyborg army and missile defences he shipped over there would be.
  16. I know what you mean: variations on the theme of "period absent in native time equals period spent in foreign time". I have no idea if it would be the only way to do it, or even how it would work, but it does show that the conservation argument can be broken.
  17. Depends. Say you 'leave' at F1 and arrive at P1, and you stay in the past for 100 hours, so when you return to your time you are 'leaving' the past at P101. If you arrive back at F1 you may have duplicated matter for 100 hours. However you can get around this by going back to F101.
  18. If we were to make a self-aware machine, I don't think a little common sense would be too much to ask. For example, "don't hook it up to anything with the words 'defence' or 'network' in the name".
  19. What are you saying? That dolphins naturally perform tasks that are unnatural to them, or that the tasks they perform are not unnatural? If the former, you should provide the extensive evidence you will have gathered on comparisons of wild and captive dolphin behaviour. If the former, you are supporting the position that dolphins are superior in intelligence to rabbits.
  20. You can't edit because you have not validated your account using the link in the email you received on signup.
  21. Why not trigger a chain of super novas that etch out a big arrow, pointing to our star system. That'd get their attention.
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