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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Perish the thought that anyone should have to take up a new job just to protect biodiversity. Honestly, this fragile cradle Earth places such a burden on people's beautiful lives.
  2. As has already been stated, this is a duplicate thread.
  3. This morning, just after 10.00 GMT, the Beeb posted an article entitled "US forces begin battering Falluja" [google record] The article that link points to has now changed to "US Forces Under Fire in Falluja" and has been de-indexed from the Beeb's Middle-East section. Replacing it are two newer articles, entitled "Iraqi Face on Falluja Operation" and "Iraqi PM orders Falluja Invasion". Updated information, or diplomatic fudging?
  4. Sayonara


    It is quite reliable, yeah. My credit card hasn't imploded yet either so they seem to be quite safe.
  5. No letter E, which is unusual because it is the most commonly used letter in English.
  6. You might as well ask why anyone uses English.
  7. I think that $27 question ought to be banned before it ends up appearing in every thread.
  8. The mechanism they used for structuring the neurons (if there was one) isn't clearly described. As for how the neurons learn what to do, finding out how that works is one of the objectives of the study:
  9. Sayonara


    Sign outside Anarchic state: "Welcome to Anarchia. Please be anarchic, but not too anarchic. We don't want to become capitalists. ps - that's not a rule, it's a guideline. pps - just do it would you."
  10. Post 10 clearly indicates you still did not understand. If you're going to claim you said the point was made in post 7, you don't have an excuse for continuing the trolling (ref "full of shite"). You can't have it both ways. And yet the trolling continues! You can and will be held responsible for what you post. Not the person you are replying to, not Saddam Hussein, and not Marvin the Martian. YOU. * incites.
  11. Don't try to sneak crude euphemisms under the radar by attaching them to the end of a troll - you don't contribute enough worthwhile posts for the mods to risk turning a blind eye to you. Now, seeing as you've given your brain the day off, let's go through that post of mine that you're having such a hard time understanding: Resources have intrinsic values. At minimum this is the energy investment required to produce the resource, although in realistic terms it will also probably include time-dependent costs, such as those caused by storage or handling requirements. Assume for the sake of argument you are a weasel farmer. You have all the equipment a weasel farmer needs, which you inherited from your daddy. However what you really need is a car, so you can get your weasels to the market and swap them for food (weasel pie gets boring after a while, and reduces your ability to barter for sausages with Amos the pig farmer). Luckily, just up the road from you lives Joseph, a car dealer. You trot off on your merry way to arrange for him to deliver a car to you. "What will you give me for the car?" He asks when you arrive and pick out the one you want. "How about some weasels? They're all I realistically have to offer." You reply. "How many weasels do you think this car is worth?" He responds. Well, now that's a good question. Clearly the intrinsic value of the car is very high compared to that of a weasel. All that metal and engineering. Hmmmm. 10,000 weasels maybe? 100,000? "Aaaaah!" You cry. "If only there were some abstract layer between the intrinsic value of things and the transaction itself!" "Indeed," says Joseph. "Being abstract, it would not rely on any one commodity to set its value. Well, except for gold, but then the value of that is fairly arbitrary in national terms." "Yes, that would be ideal," you reflect. "Everyone would be able to use such a system to conduct transactions that make sense." "But since we live in a world where exchanges happen directly, that means that even if we can decide on a value in weasels for this car, I will need to charge you extra for the time and effort involved in finding someone with whom I can exchange said weasels for resources I need. I may also have to charge an extra fee as insurance against be not being able to find such a person." "This keeps getting worse and worse," you complain. "I don't think I want the car any more - it's clearly inaccessible to me." "Too bad we live in bartering world," says Joseph. "Oh well, maybe you can train your weasels to pull you on roller skates".
  12. Sayonara


    As many downloads as you like for $10 a quarter: http://www.3mp3.ru/
  13. This thread is fairly pointless. Hardly anyone puts their birthday information in to their profiles - that's the explanation. It's by no means a freaky phenomenon, or unique to SFN.
  14. You create a model by starting with first principles and working upwards, not by saying "well these cells in this petri dish show what I am going to call comprehension, therefore I am going to upgrade anything with a neural network - like insects - to the status of having comprehension of their surroundings. There, that explains it all." If you know how neurons work and how they interact it is not difficult to work out how to make simple "circuits" with them, which respond to input with logical operations.
  15. Do you know how neurons work?
  16. No. You do not need comprehension in order to have responses.
  17. Intelligentia is the Latin. Intelligencia is just made up.
  18. I don't think anyone has argued that no individual can over-ride the predisposition (in fact Sorcerer was arguing with someone who cited such a case). What they are disputing with Sorcerer is why any who can, should.
  19. You are stating as fact that which this thread set out to determine. Hurrah for you.
  20. Currency is a necessary abstraction layer if you have resources with vastly different intrinsic values.
  21. It doesn't need to comprehend, it only needs to respond. Insects can do this without brains, so it shouldn't be too difficult to grasp.
  22. Sayonara


    Can you do that in an anarchy?
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