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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. HIV vaccine. Only media idiots call it an AIDS vaccine.
  2. Yes. That's where the sick squid joke comes from, in case you were wondering.
  3. I will see what they can do, but they don't like coming near your castle any more since the incident with the trebuchet and the burning cows.
  4. Pretty much the same, yeah (except it's dollars not sterling, obviously).
  5. Conveniently, the USA has about 4.6 times the population of the UK.
  6. No, but the other explanation as to why you'd be telling me to take my pick is a silly one. [edit] The penny just dropped. Long day at work.
  7. You aren't being accused of "offending an adult", but of presenting a very juvenile argument that doesn't appropriately address the issues being raised. If you wish to respond with sarcasm, at least make it funny.
  8. Wiki has been proven time and again to be a reliable way of managing public information, and for the most part users act responsibly. Any damage done by renegade elements can always be rolled back to the previous day's entry - it is not a problem.
  9. Here in the adult world where the things we say and do have consequences for other people, we call that "hand waving" and wish people wouldn't do it.
  10. Remember what I said about The Mirror in the other thread? Well, The Sun caters to those people who don't like the Mirror, but aren't ready for proper newspapers with too many words.
  11. I disagree. I am sure that there are many people who think that America should do or not do certain things, my contention is with the idea that there are many people who believe America will take world opinion as being the sole determining factor for its actions. I understand why you find it annoying, but let's not make mountains out of molehills.
  12. Get the torrent. Some very intriguing frames sneaked into that trailer Looks like they have made Kashyyyk nothing like Kashyyyk, but the Battle of Coruscant looks like a good giggle.
  13. Charon as in the ferryman of the Styx, or as in the moon of Pluto?
  14. I have Alphane. I even read a page of it once. Aardvark, have you still got my Dark Force Rising? I have your Kim Il Jong: Our Glorious Father somewhere.
  15. I thought Bush spent $250M and Kerry spent $330M? [/nitpick]
  16. Windows does that sometimes anyway, on XP and 2K. Does it happen a lot?
  17. It's interesting to see who thinks what, but other than that there's very little point to it. I don't think there are many who claim it should be.
  18. Oh, it looks like you are replying to Severian with it.
  19. They have lives: 06.00 Get up 07.29 Arrive outside HLS staffs' houses 07.32 Begin a long day of stalking 12.00 Throw bricks at staff on their lunchbreak 14.32 Make threatening phone calls to families of staff 15.52 Get bored and vandalise cars. Paint, crow bars etc. 17.04 Stalk staff home again, terrorising and physically abusing them Thursday is "assault a lab worker" day.
  20. That page demonstrates little to none of the authority one would desire of reference material brought into a discussion such as this.
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