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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I think there's a good chance this is propoganda, seeing as the machine would have been tolerance-tested in factory conditions when it was manufactured. And it's not like Beagles are cheap.
  2. For the reasons he put in his post, presumably. He is demonstrating an objective view about the role of such games in society, not whining because it offends his outlandish sensibilities.
  3. I take it he means oxygen, rather than air, seeing as air is more than 70% nitrogen?
  4. Program Information File: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=define%3A.pif If you get one in an email it is 100% guaranteed to be malware.
  5. Seriously, guys - nobody worth listening to reads The Mirror.
  6. Of course the UK media is biased - but not in a unified "let's all deride Bush" kind of way. Many of the papers here have their own political leanings, and of course they will pander to the majority opinion of their audience because as we know it's all about sales volume and not random allegiances. The BBC is not beholden to anyone in the way that the rest of the media is, and is not technically a profit-making organisation. They have had a good record for providing impartial journalism for decades. I personally have seen articles on the web site before that swayed one way or the other on political issues, but invariably these represent the opinions of the author rather than any political stance being made by the BBC.
  7. I think a lot of them are so excited about the fact that they can say things that they don't give a lot of thought to the best way to deliver it. Doing the most damage possible to your opponents doesn't always mean you'll end up looking any better.
  8. They almost got around to balancing that. Unless the lower-left pic is tongue-in-cheek...
  9. Apparently I am a Centrist as far as answering those questions goes. CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice. Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind, tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.
  10. Notice how I said "voted Bush", and not "voted Republican". I am not convinced that the Republicans' conservatism is directly analogous to the UK's Conservative Party, in any case.
  11. I shouldn't think so - they aren't quite looking for the same kind of members.
  12. It's a bit naive to infer that all those who voted for Bush supported the war. Many of them will have voted for him despite it, for whatever reasons.
  13. It has a virus detector on the paid accounts. Any .pif you receive via email will be a virus.
  14. Ironically, The Mirror caters for those readers who would probably have voted Bush were they US citizens. Funny old world, isn't it?
  15. Yes, they have, although you can shrink the timescale down so far that it looks like they have not. Don't forget the survival advantages that are gained by being big. Although I don't agree with everything that has been said in this discussion so far, it is true that size does not just come down to food (or any other single factor).
  16. That's the most sensible thing I've seen you post. Hurrah.
  17. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who actually are that stupid, easily-influenced or amoralistic. And by plenty I mean millions.
  18. Yes that's right, stick all of Europe in the "you didn't support what had to be done" bucket. It will serve us right for telling you "you picked him, you live with it" in a year's time
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