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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I'm sure there are many others, I just happened to know that one as I have a friend with a Grenadan passport.
  2. Nonsense! Plenty of complaining and namecalling left in this lot. Hurrah for not agreeing!
  3. It would not surprise me if it didn't even make page 10 in the US press. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3953237.stm Apparently this anti-terrorism measure affects 27 of the countries who are signed to the whatever-the-hell-it-is passport treaty thing. Incidentally, assuming this was not the case, I can answer your question by naming one country of origin that needs a visa - Grenada.
  4. As of last week, you need a visa to enter the USA if you do not have one of the various electronically keyed passports. [edit] That's for countries which previously used the old-style passports, obviously. Not for countries which already needed visas.
  5. That doesn't address my question at all. Incidentally, glorification of the game or the content therein doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be plastered all over the media - it is more to do with the fact that the game itself offers players the chance to live out certain events and choices in a vicarious fashion, which is not always a good thing. Personally I can think of much worse games than this, but that alone doesn't negate the issues TimeTraveller (and no doubt many others) have with it.
  6. Well, bear in mind that the human brain accounts for 25% of the body's energy requirements. We might not need so much mass for our bodies, but we certainly need the right food for thought.
  7. Telling someone they are an idiot is not "disagreement". You did not actually reply to the post you quoted. It takes two to tango. Unprovoked attacks on staff are not the way to go if you expect courtesy.
  8. You don't think that producers - whose motives are largely profit based - have any responsibility towards the people they sell their wares to? Interesting attitude for someone who just showed how ready they are to lay blame.
  9. He's only asked you to explain your post. Fair enough, he could have phrased it a bit better, but if you don't evidence your claims nobody is under any obligation to counter or accept any of them.
  10. It's relevant to people like Douglas who - quite rightly - want to know how representative his (their) actions are of the general Iraqi attitude towards our coalition. I did not intend the comparison with the coalition presence to be a value judgement of either - simply pointing out that his intervention is arguably unwarranted or uninvited to the same degree as our own. For illustrative purposes and etc. In answer to Douglas, no the forum was not running in 2000.
  11. I thought it might be a guess. Typically, with a tactical nuclear weapon (assuming it detonates on target), you can usually expect 2/3 buildings destroyed but only 1/3 population mortality - and that includes deaths from radiation in the first five years after the explosion. Obviously population density in the target area is a major variable, so unless you know exactly where bombs are going to hit it is a bit tricky to work out how many people will die.
  12. Knowing something another does not know doesn't actually require that you know more than they do. Would it? Are you sure you aren't just making up new names for things and not actually describing what is happening?
  13. The company who manage the recycling collections in my area recently changed the list of items they will take away. The only kind of plastic they now take is "bottle-shaped plastics". Grrrr
  14. That will only apply to you, not to reality. As soon as you try to communicate it you will be invoking identity.
  15. It really doesn't matter how abstract or subjective reality gets - intelligence is still predicated upon the ability to identify information in different states.
  16. Whether we believe it is happening or not, 4-6 years is easily long enough for Daddy's oil company to benefit hugely from the situation. I would not go so far as to assume that people who have dealt in that market for decades have no means or desire to quietly (or in this case with explosions and such) manipulate it to their advantage, just because I know how the market reached its current state.
  17. The problem now is that there are several factions who have sprung up, the most damaging of which so far is a rebel group led by the Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who has about as much right to fight the interim government as we had to be there in the first place.
  18. That doesn't really answer my question.
  19. 10 million deaths? Where are you getting that figure from?
  20. Although that only tells you there was a change in the ambient magnetic field, and not "why".
  21. Why would a dragon have an umbilical?
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