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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Internet Explorer has several major problems: 1 - Security It is one of the least secure browsers, and several vulnerabilities are found each month. These range from insignificant security holes to absolute whoppers that can allow arbitrary code to run any commands on your machine. To their credit, Microsoft have got a lot better at issuing updates for these security issues in a much more timely fashion, but other browsers manage to not have the holes in the first place. A major disadvantage Microsoft have security-wise is that IE is tied into the windows explorer shell. 2 - Malware and Unwanted Content Internet Explorer allows a variety of malware to get on your machine - spyware, adware, image beacons, malformed cookies, 3rd party content... you name it. While they have added a pop-up blocker to the new version of IE6, and made changes to the way in which downloads are initiated, there is still a long way to go. Almost all other major browsers allow the following: - Wildcard content blocking, - Third party image blocking, - Selective javascript authorisation, - More effective pop-up controls, - Superior download management, 3 - Standards Support Internet Exporer does not support the standards for displaying HTML and CSS as specified by the W3C. Many of those standards it does support are implemented in a different way to the implementation used by other browsers. IE has the ability to fudge web pages so that even if they are not correctly formed, it will show a reasonable approximation of the page. From the point of view of the average user, this sounds great - but it's actually very very bad. "The IE way" is ensuring that the majority of web coders do not know what they are doing, and millions of pages are turned out with incorrect HTML. This means that they will likely not display correctly in other browsers or non-PC devices, which they would do if the code was standards-compliant. This is another example of Microsoft elbowing out competitors. The price this time will be the abolition of web standards if things don't change soon. As a side note, IE is also the only major browser that does not support the alpha channel in .png images, which is the main reason that .png has not yet replaced the far inferior .gif for transparent images. 4 - Lack of Features Although other browsers have supported them for ages, IE has none of the following features: - Tabbed browsing, - Extensions, - Themes, - User-selected CSS (although it does let you use a local CSS file, which is as good as useless), - Mouse Gestures, - DOM Inspector, - Page zooming, - Draggable sidebars, - Subscribe to RSS and XML feeds, - Reload page every X seconds, - Remove objects And so on and so forth.
  2. Nobody - it's not intellectual property. ...probably.
  3. Cold fusion. Seeing as referencing is common practice, plagiarism is explicitly against the rules, and pretty much every page on the web has a copyright notice, I really hope you aren't going to insult anyone's intelligence by claiming ignorance.
  4. ed84c's earlier reply, "Using this definition, the possibility of questioning whether humans are still evolving is not even worth asking..." et cetera, has been deleted as it was plagiarised from an article on Physicspost, the owner of which is associated with this web site. That's the second time today (that I have seen). Any more theft of original material and you will be permanently banned, ed84c.
  5. I don't know why you don't just have another civil war. It'd sort out so many of these issues, and give everyone a fun day out.
  6. Well, some bits of it yes, but you summarised it really well. What do you mean by a surplus of fingertip ridges?
  7. Don't steal material from other web sites and pass it off as your own.
  8. C_dawg, please don't post rubbish.
  9. Does anyone happen to know exactly how quickly this alleged creep is supposed to occur? Something like "x millimeters per century" would be handy. I have a cunning plan.
  10. Is a geocities site written in an anecdotal style with absolutely no references or citations the best you can give us?
  11. Any that deals with the motion of objects relative to the position of other objects, afaik. According to you, hydroelectric dams don't work and the pendulum is mere fantasy. Unless of course you are right, and conservation of energy is broken, which would be a bit of a shocker. Think of potential energy as the ability to do work, rather than as work being done. Well of course it will. Potential energy is not antigravity.
  12. Not at all. Well, not to you anyway Yes, but if the same valid HTML displays differently between two browsers, knowing all the HTML doesn't actually help. Check out the solution I had to use on my homepage - one stylesheet for compliant browsers (well, two really - one of them contains style definitions that are valid in all browsers), and extra style sheets to separately accomodate IE5 and IE6. As well as some javascript. IE interprets margins in a completely different way to all other browsers (which, incidentally, manage to agree with each other). It also has issues with absolute positioning. In short, it's a bit of a disaster. Rather than making IE comply properly with CSS2, MicroSoft went ahead in their own style and created "dynamic properties", to try and nudge developers into doing things their way, and force yet another paradigm shift in the industry. Same old story.
  13. First comment: Dreamweaver has been radically overhauled in the MX versions and now supports standards compliancy. It will highlight problems with your HTML, XHTML, PHP (or whichever language you are using), even point out problems in external CSS files. It will also tell you which browsers support the attributes you are using, and has a massive tag reference library. Second comment: I already know the HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.1 and CSS2 specifications backwards and forwards. This does not change the fact that some things cannot be done in all browsers in the same way, so "study some HTML" is not a very good solution. Although I absolutely agree with you that the best thing about the web is also the worst thing about the web: anyone can "make" a web page. I don't think web designers ought to be making comments on what lies in the prevue of web developers either.
  14. What about all the various scenarios in physics where potential energy is required to balance equations? You need to fix all the equations you just broke by declaring potential energy non-existent.
  15. Yes this is an old thread, but I didn't see the need to create a new thread just for this post, and the topic is somewhat related. http://www.unfccc.int/resource/library/criteria.html The above link is a page that describes how to evaluate web resources. It can be used to decide how suited a web site is to providing evidence for arguments.
  16. Well, some of Europe is. For once it's Britain who's being regressive and saying "no thanks".
  17. There we go. Now to whore my own wares. After two years of alternately developing the concept and avoiding doing any work, I have finally started work on the beta test for Armada Wars. So for anyone who wants to be involved in the beta test, now is a good time to get on the forums. What is Armada Wars? - Forums Home The forums at Starfleet Archive seem to have died. Make them live again! Forums Home
  18. Yeah, it will get more bumping that way. People who join just to advertise will of course have their posts deleted, in line with the site rules.
  19. Do you mind if I hijack this thread, turning it into a general free-for-all "please join my [insert topic here] forum" thread?
  20. Yes. In the mySQL database the post id is a key which always autoincrements by one. It doesn't need to know about what happened to historical post ids.
  21. It shows fewer posts because it's an actual count, whereas post id numbers always increment by 1 on the id of the last post made.
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