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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Not unless you accomodate scripted languages too
  2. The question was that of the origins of life on Earth. You changed it to the origins of Earth itself, presumably reasoning that the presence of the atomic components alone can be considered the basis of life's origins.
  3. Apparently so: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=60377
  4. The arcade mod was written for the last version of vBulletin, so it was wiped out when we moved from vBulletin 2.x to vBulletin 3.x.
  5. "Keeping an open mind" should not be used as an excuse for ignoring the evidence or changing the question.
  6. A lot of the discussions here are between people who have degrees (or higher!) in a subject or work in a related industry, so don't be surprised or intimidated if you come across material that makes no sense to you There are many other teenagers on this forum by the way.
  7. I'm not making new bubbles for only one day. Pixel-perfect transparent gifs don't just happen, unfortunately.
  8. I am of course assuming he will be posting his response to atinymonkey in the parent thread, rather than in this one. I only separated these posts out because they detract from the "Gun Debate" thread, whereas Douglas' next response ought to be a bit more on topic.
  9. I have added Battlestar Galactica (Old), Battlestar Galactica (New), Andromeda, Stargate: SG1 and Stargate: Atlantis to the poll options, for no reason other than to annoy those people who already voted. Ha.
  10. I don't want to unnecessarily prolong this debacle, but I have to wonder what you are hoping to achieve. You made comments that were - if not overtly, then at least indirectly - of a nature that targetted a particular people. This offended someone and they called you out on it. You then proceeded to make various accusations about the manner in which they wrote their post, rather than justifying what you had been called out on (and note well that justification and defence are not the same thing). While I cannot rightly say that atinymonkey was not sarcastic and/or caustic (and in any case I would contend that this was provoked), it was you who escalated this to the point it is now at, the effects of which include the intervention of both site administrators. Atinymonkey has already hit the nail on the head by asking If you are being genuine about not meaning to insult the French, why not just say "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend"? It seems to me that that would be the most expedient way to end this, not to mention face-saving for all involved.
  11. Try posting a URL that doesn't include an expired session id.
  12. Having separated these posts and read through it again, I can see how "There will be no throat-jamming" could be seen as admonishing, although it was not intended to be interpreted in that way. I agree then that arguing on that is completely unnecessary. [edit] Ah yes, the 83ness. Sorry I ought to have gone back and changed that. Yes, it would be post #14 here. Note that I did not say you would or should be banned.
  13. Oh I see. It's not so much that they should be designed "for Firefox", rather that they should be standards compliant. When I suggested specifically that Venomousity! should design for FF, that was because he stated it was the browser he was using. He'll find it easier to make a compliant web site work in IE than he would find it to make a web site that works in IE, then fix it for all other browsers.
  14. Invader Zim, obviously. Futurama (RIP) Simpsons 2D TV
  15. If anyone wants a clue to the blind man puzzle, the solution to a similar problem is here: 26033
  16. Also, I can't help but notice that your responses were mostly precluded by the parts of post #83 that you chose not to quote. Keep this up and you will be barred from the Politics section.
  17. No, it doesn't, for there was mightily and verifiably no admonishing of any kind. 1) We have these things called Moderators, 2) Asking for a post to be removed is not the same as complaining about a person. Oh right. So in future we can expect your modus operandi to be this: 1) Post a string of accusations against another member, 2) Wait for response querying said accusations, 3) Defend only one accusation and fill time by making more. That's called trolling. "Blind rage"? I suppose you decided that based on your unique interpretational powers that allow you to derive extra information from characters on a page. You "aren't finished with me"? You have been warned about your behaviour towards a fellow member twice already in this thread - by both administrators - and now you are going to continue with more of the same, but aimed at an administrator? What the drak are you on?
  18. When you make a post in this thread, three unique people who are not you must make replies before you can post again. This was stated clearly in the original post.
  19. Titan is more accessible than Europa because the interesting bits are not covered with a vast crust of ice.
  20. Social Engineering is the name given to cracking or intrusion where sensitive information is extracted from users or employees, or access to facilities is gained, using a reasonable-sounding ruse. http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/05/16/0110222&tid=172
  21. Read the flerking article.
  22. Unfortunately that's not true. MSIE still has the largest share, although the figure is dropping. Their share is indicative of market processes rather than the usefulness of the browser. That's not enough to get on my bad side, especially in this case where SubJunk was not technically disagreeing with me but with some random scenario that wasn't the issue at hand.
  23. Not if you are interested specifically in Titan, no. RTFA.
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