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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Well, maybe you just didn't read Venomousity!'s post. He has a copy of DW and he wants to make a web page - he's not trying to win the contract for frelling Microsoft TechNet. And since I do not work for a design company either, I am not going to apologise to you for your making-up-in-head of attributes I don't have. I don't see how that is in any way relevant to me telling an amateur the fastest way to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Actually I use it because it is standards-compliant, secure, and includes the features that I want to use. The reams and reams and reams of pages on design web sites, standards web sites, tutorial web sites etc disagree with you. Design for compliancy, design for accessibility, design for platform independence, they all scream. MSIE is the only browser that makes life difficult in these respects. The 1 reason you have given for companies asking that you design for IE is exactly why you ought to be an evangelist of compliant browsers. It doesn't matter if you prefer coding for Mozilla, FF, Opera, Konqueror or Safari - chances are that if your pages are compliant they will appear the same in all of them. Since you describe yourself as a designer, perhaps it would be an idea to keep your ear to the ground of the web. When people like Sir Tim Berners-Lee are calling for better support of W3 standards, Slashdot is reporting on the sudden drop in the MSIE browsing share, and new devices that use Opera instead of the mobile version of IE are selling like hot cakes, anyone coding just for IE is going to learn very quickly why we have standards. http://www.alistapart.com/topics/browsers/2/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/NOTE-di-princ-20030901/ http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/10/29/140200&tid=109&tid=17 The argument you are making is to do with profitability and getting the clients. It has nothing to do with good design principles and is devoid of any understanding of the nature of the beast. Or of course you could actually be under the belief that the web only comprises sites made by design companies (ha ha ha). Check out any in-house production from a large corporation, or any education or government web site, and I guarantee they will use either completely cross-compatible code, or the old voice-inherit trick in the CSS to make IE work properly. Perhaps next time you will make the effort to ensure your response has anything at all to do with what you are responding to.
  2. A few comments on this: 1 - This implies that atinymonkey passes judgement on all before sending his victims to the admins for their unchecked and robotic meting out of justice. Grow up. 2 - Being "turned in to the administrators" is your invention. At no point did atm threaten you with this desperate fate that seems to fill you with dread. 3 - Repeating something you have been asked to back up instead of backing it up would be seen as provocation. I can see how one might lose track of the conversation quite quickly if putting so much effort into manipulating other people's words.
  3. I don't know. It's a windows mystery. I tried uninstalling IE (as the super galactic court told them they had to make possible) and all it did was hide all the shortcuts. I disabled IE forcibly, and Messenger etc subsequently refused to work. So it's clearly something devious. Try some relevant newsgroups maybe?
  4. There are much better threads that are already discussing that.
  5. I did not admonish you for throat-jamming. That is a lie. I did not admonish you for not helping. That is also a lie. It was quite plainly an observation. Indeed. Atinymonkey made no such threat. That is another lie. There is an interesting dichotomy here between your moral outrage and your own behaviour.
  6. Internet Explorer does not correctly display CSS, on account of being a bag of cat poo. Design for Mozilla, Firefox or Opera, then use fixes to ensure IE displays the page in a sufficiently similar fashion.
  7. I don't think it will make matters worse, I think they'll both ignore it. Unless they read this then decide to be contrary and difficult. (Ah haaa, now they both have a dilemma )
  8. Related thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1576
  9. http://www.news.wisc.edu/packages/stemcells/
  10. I am not sure what you mean by that, but a muscle cell nucleus contains the full human genome so theoretically it tells you how to build other types of cell, yes.
  11. You do realise that while the sciences may overlap for practical reasons, stem cell research and cloning are not the same thing, right? This is why politicians should not be allowed to mention science, ever.
  12. We don't organise the forums by how important people think the topics are, we organise them by how busy they get. At one time the Chemistry forum was actually split into several sub-forums, however there was not much traffic through them which actually makes it more laborious to moderate. If it gets busier in there it will - in all likelihood - be reorganised again.
  13. Yes, but PCs have the advantage of being good.
  14. Monitor 1: 1600*1200 @ 75Hz Monitor 2: 1024 * 768 @ 72Hz Can't remember if mine is 19" or 21"
  15. Well then bear in mind that the people who try to tell you we have to stop the human cloning, as if scientists can't wait to make functioning adult copies of people, are usually going to be the ones who don't have a clue. Cloning human tissues has a host of uses, most of them medical.
  16. Posts in general discussions do not increment your post count.
  17. That's not really a quality of genetic engineering, is it?
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